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Full morgues and full parks in New York

In New York, not everyone stays at home. The authorities cannot monitor the measures: every fifth police officer is on sick leave. Mayor de Blasio is considering mass funerals.

The weather in the largest US metropolis is great. Around 20 degrees, sunshine, light breeze. “Stay at home” is the official requirement for coping with the rapid spread of the coronavirus. On fine spring days, however, it becomes clear that not all New Yorkers stick to it. The parks are full and Orthodox Jews are causing a stir with large funeral services. The “Projects”, the huge concrete buildings for the lower income class, are also very busy.

A trip through Brooklyn, New York’s most populous neighborhood, speaks volumes. Prospect Park, a huge green and wooded area around which a five-kilometer running and cycling path winds, is as crowded as it is on the summer weekends. Many people wear face masks, but far from all. At the entrances to the park there is a request to keep a distance of six feet, i.e. almost two meters – an order that the joggers cannot follow on the crowded path.

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