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Frozen accounts belong to Isabel dos Santos, not companies

“Efacec and its shareholders are separate entities.” Efacec’s accounts have not been frozen, either in Portugal or in any other country where the company operates. “

The clarification comes from the company itself after news reports that Isabel dos Santos’ accounts in Portugal were seized (which was confirmed by the PGR) but that the accounts of companies where the Angolan businesswoman has stakes could have been frozen. This information – which, if it were true, would imply completely paralyzing companies, which would be prevented, in particular, from paying suppliers and workers – is vigorously denied by Efacec. And the same goes for the other companies in which the entrepreneur has stakes, such as NOS or Galp.

The company also stresses, in the statement sent to Dinheiro Vivo, that it is “operating at all levels, continuing to develop and participate in projects in the areas of energy, environment and mobility, maintaining the trust of hundreds of customers and suppliers throughout the world “- trust and support” in this transition phase “that you take the opportunity to thank.

Efacec Power Solutions’ management deeply regrets this news, stressing that the effects of the so-called “false information”, “which has nothing to do with the company’s accounts or operations” could cause “serious damage to the reputation of the Efacec brand, built around throughout its 72 years of existence “.

This afternoon, it was learned that the PGR, at the request of Angola, had advanced with the forfeiture of the personal accounts of Isabel dos Santos and her husband, Sindica Dokolo. “It is confirmed that the Public Prosecutor’s Office requested the seizure of bank accounts, as part of a request for international judicial cooperation from the Angolan authorities,” said a source from the Attorney General’s Office this afternoon.

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