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From the absence of books to power

In 1998 I came across two interesting volumes: From books to power, from Gabriel Zaidand The intellectuals and the State in the Mexico of the 20th century, of Roderic A. Camp. They explain how intellectuals managed to influence the upper echelons of power in Mexico for a long time.

Things are different in the 21st century. Perhaps today a work entitled From the absence of books to power: a certain and true story about intellectual anemia and its consequences when governing Latin America in the period 2000-2022. Without a doubt, this book would not be a best-seller.

Those who need it most would feel attacked by its content. And those who do not require it, would leave it aside because of the terrible banalities that should be reviewed, to illustrate the central issue. Thinking of the meager readers, it should be noted in the “introduction” that one should not dwell too much on the first chapters dedicated to the exciting, but somewhat useless, account of Latin American rulers and their epidermal head readings.

Perhaps, the most relevant would be to read the last three pages, dedicated to the “conclusions”, where some lessons for the Postmodern Little Prince:

“1. Beloved prince: don’t waste time on books, for that you have two clerks and a minstrel who can prepare you some little cards. If when entering a debate everything goes well, it will be your credit, oh illustrious leader. If it goes wrong, because you had inaccuracies, hesitations and ignorance, you can blame the incompetent advisers who have not known how to reciprocate your trust and magnanimous generosity.

“two. Remember, oh illustrious boss, when speaking in public the main thing is not what you say, but the appreciation you generate for yourself. Sincere appreciation, feigned affection, utilitarian love. No matter. It is always good to remember George Bernard Shaw who used to say that the art of government is the organization of idolatry.”

“3. It simplifies reality to the maximum: the plebs do not need watermarks. What you need is to have one or two clear ideas, associated with some emotion. For this, nothing better than a ‘conspiracy theory‘. There is one for every need: with or without Jews, with secret conspiracies or with religious pergolas attached to the oligarchies. Wow, there are also fifi businessmen, indignant proletarians, intriguing Jesuits and the new world order”.

“4. In the absence of arguments, he exercises power: nothing more satisfactory for you, ruler, candidate or aspirant, than humiliate the one who contradicts you. The important thing is to show who can do more. Winning is being in the truth. Truth without triumph is futile.”

The phrases culled from the imaginary text could continue. The irrationalist and pragmatic mutation of many political and parapolitical groups, on the right and on the left, distorts the sincere concern for the common good. The “best policy” that Pope Francis talks about in All brothers defies this profile: it is not born from superficial vulgarity, but from a new and robust political humanismthat leads us to a more fraternal commitment from the people and with the people.

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