Home » today » Sport » French Open | Ka. Plíšková – Šarífová 6: 7, 6: 2, 6: 4, Plíšková experienced great suffering. After the turn, however, he advances to the French Open

French Open | Ka. Plíšková – Šarífová 6: 7, 6: 2, 6: 4, Plíšková experienced great suffering. After the turn, however, he advances to the French Open

Karolína Plíšková entered the grand slam of the French Open as the last of the Czech representatives, who, after great suffering, defeated the unpleasant Egyptian qualifier Majar Šarífová in sets 6: 7, 6: 2, 6: 4 in the first round. He will compete with the Jelena Ostapenkova from Latvia to advance to the third round.

Gonzalo Fuentes, Reuters

The second player, Plíšková, has never fought with Šarífová, who is almost 170 rungs lower on the ladder, and she has had big problems with her varied play with high topspins and unpleasant stopballs from the beginning. She couldn’t catch the perfect rhythm and she couldn’t finish the exchanges.

Nevertheless, she was the first at the end of the introductory set at 5: 4 to make three breakballs and at the same time setballs. But she didn’t use any of them and then, on the contrary, she lost her service herself. Subsequently, however, she broke her opponent and the set reached a tie break.

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The Czech favorite even had five sets in it, but again she did not change any of them. She was visibly worried, and she let go of her accumulated frustration by throwing a racket. The tenacious Egyptian, on the other hand, used her second set in the match and took the lead.

Majar Šarífová in a duel with Karolína Plíšková on Roland Garros.

Michel Euler, ČTK / AP

Right from the beginning of the second act, Plíšková added to her aggression, improved her service and suddenly had the upper hand. She picked up her opponent three times and quickly leveled the duel.

However, the third set was evenly balanced again, the Egyptian again bothered the Czech tennis player with her game, who finally broke the match at 3: 3, when, thanks to an opponent’s mistake, she turned the sixth break into a game and went to the decisive blockbuster. She then turned the second matchword into an ace and definitively ended the two-and-a-quarter-hour agony.

“The match was super challenging. I didn’t play my game in the first set and I couldn’t use the setball, but then fortunately I got better. I am especially happy for the progress and I hope that I will improve in the next round, “said Plíšková on the court after the match.

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