Home » today » Entertainment » Franco Bolelli died, the irrepressible counter-current: the Milanese writer and philosopher was 70 years old

Franco Bolelli died, the irrepressible counter-current: the Milanese writer and philosopher was 70 years old

Franco Bolelli, writer, essayist, collaborator of Repubblica for many years, died after a long illness. He was born in Milan on July 8, 1950. The announcement comes from his wife, Manuela Mantegazza, with a post on Facebook.

Basketball, philosophy, rock, psychedelia, martial arts, architecture, America, technology, evolution … Cucchi’s rice puddings. And above all, love. The great one for Isabella, Manuela, Daniele, and for the human race without limits and prejudices. How did you manage to contain it, Franco. He was running away from all sides because that was how he conceived of life: a mix of propulsive energy from which new energy was born. And when no one in Milan in the 1970s / 1980s still dared to talk about festivals and contaminations, there was him who didn’t speak English but American because he just didn’t like English respectability.

And so one day you went to San Simpliciano and you met Brian Eno whom Franco had captured who knows where, who knows in what meeting around the world. And then many festivals have come, from Frontiere to the Growth Festival, to Vitamins for the mind, up to the last one, the one on Love, in the Triennale. Even there with many friends. Yes, friendship, another fundamental element in his life, from Lorenzo Cherubini to Andrea Zingoni, other visionaries, like him.

Smart working theorist in unsuspecting times, you would meet him at Cucchi’s in the back corner, computer and smartphone, and there he spent hours writing and receiving friends. And he has written many books since Hurray for everything! with Lorenzo Cherubini a Play!, gives Descartes does not dance-Definitive superiority of pop culture a More worlds – How and why to go global.

For us he has written many columns. Even with the courage to go against the grain. Because Franco was so irrepressible.

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