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Four health schools encourage flu vaccination

Health schools encourage vaccination especially in vulnerable groups where influenza carries a greater risk to health

health institutions encourage vaccination.

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Four health institutions encourage vaccination.

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Four health institutions encourage vaccination.

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Four health institutions encourage vaccination. Courtesy image

The professional health associations of Doctors, nurses, pharmacists and dentists of the province of Las Palmas unite to promote the flu vaccination for protect risk groups.

Marta Leongeneral secretary of the College of Doctors of Las Palmas, highlighted the The role of associations of health professionals in health promotion and, above all, in prevention. For this reason “we encourage people at risk, who have not yet been vaccinated against the flu, and their families and those who are in close contact with them, to do so”.

Importance of vaccination

The four health institutions send the same message to the population at risk and their immediate environment that is not vaccinated: “They are part of your life and you are part of theirs. Against the flu vaccinated for you, for them“. Healthcare professionals are a primary vehicle for promoting vaccination, and after the pandemic this has become more evident than ever.

Amos Garcia Rojas, head of the Epidemiology and Prevention Service of the Ministry of Health of the Canary Islands government, assured that “getting vaccinated against the flu is more important than ever this year”, due to the relaxation of protective measures. In the past two years of the pandemic, the use of face masks, hand hygiene and interpersonal distance have prevented the spread of the flu, but this year, without these measures, “a much higher incidence is expected“.

The the risk is much higher for the vulnerable population, since “the coexistence of influenza and COVID-19 in the same person would increase the chances of complications, hospitalization and even death”. On the other hand, there would be a greater impact on care in the health system.

Rita Mendozapresident of the Official College of Nursing of Las Palmas detailed the groups of population at risk to suffer from complications in case of flu: people with chronic diseases, pregnant women and people over the age of 60. He also highlighted the responsibility that health workers show year after year when they get vaccinated against the flu, because “in addition to preventing their own contagion, they are protecting the health of their patients and users”. “The best argument for convincing someone to get vaccinated is that the healthcare staff, whom the population trusts for everything related to health,” she added.

Population at risk

loreto gomezpresident of the province’s pharmacists, he recalled that “in addition to dispensing medicinesPharmacists take the responsibility to inform about its use, which entails not only that are consumed correctlyalso that it is done for the time necessary, because it is not abused, but the treatment is not abandoned sooner than prescribed by the doctor, as is the case with antibiotics.

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Loreto Gómez, president of the pharmacists of Las Palmas, is vaccinated. Courtesy image

For its part, Francesco Cabrerapresident of the College of Dentists of Las Palmas, underlined the importance of prevention: “Get vaccinated, wash your hands regularly, ventilate spaces at home and at work, and avoid contact in case of illness, are measures within everyone’s reach to combat influenza and its serious consequences among groups at risk ”. He also gave the example of dental offices, where “by working at a short distance from the patient’s mouth, the effectiveness of the preventive measures ensures their safety,” he said.

As an example for the population at risk, the four representatives of the health college received this year’s dose flu shot in the same place as the press conference, with the same message: “In the face of the flu vaccinated for you, for them”.

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