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Food and drink to fight tooth decay


Wednesday 02 November 2022

I wrote – Omnia Qalawun:

Molar teeth, like teeth, are prone to cavities, and the reason is that you neglect oral brushing and toothpaste and eat sugary foods and drinks in large quantities.

Good nutrition plays an important role in fighting molar caries, along with medical care, so patients should be careful about eating healthy foods.

In the following lines, “Consultation” examines the foods that should be consumed when suffering from dental caries, according to the University of Rochester in the United States.

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Food and drink to fight tooth decay

1- Fruits and vegetables

The American Dental Association has confirmed that fiber-rich foods are most beneficial to oral health when suffering from tooth decay, because the long time spent chewing them stimulates the salivary glands to secrete more saliva, which helps fight oral bacteria and prevent its multiplication.

Fruits and vegetables are among the best natural sources of dietary fiber, in addition to their high content of minerals, such as calcium and phosphate, which are transmitted by saliva to the teeth and molars.

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2- Dairy products

Dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt, are rich in calcium and phosphate, two essential minerals for healthy teeth and molars.

Therefore, it is necessary to take care of eating dairy products when suffering from tooth decay, to replace the minerals and lost teeth and thus prevent them from breaking, cracking or falling out.

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3- tea

The tea – both red and green – contains high levels of polyphenols, which in turn help kill or prevent oral bacteria from growing, as well as being rich in fluoride, which helps strengthen teeth and molars and protect them from tooth decay.

For better results, it is better not to sweeten the tea with sugar, as it will not have negative effects on the health of teeth and molars, with the need to rinse the mouth with water after eating it.

4- Foods rich in fluoride

In addition to tea, fluoride is present in other foods and drinks, and you need to adhere to it when you have hollows, such as raisins, oysters, shrimp, oatmeal, potatoes, coffee, and sparkling water.

Read also: The benefits of fluoride for teeth .. What happens when you overuse its products?

5- Sugar-free chewing gum

Oral saliva production can be increased in a different way from consuming high-fiber foods, which is chewing gum, which also helps remove food debris between teeth and molars, but needs to be completely free of sugar.

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