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Foibe, Conte: ‘heal wounds and apologize for oblivion’ – Politics

“Today we are here to heal that wound inflicted on those people and their descendants, to apologize once again for the oblivion lowered on the drama of the sinkholes ” premier Giuseppe Conte intervening in the Senate to commemorate the victims of the sinkholes. The “tragedy” of the sinkholes was not emphasized “for superficiality or calculation”, recalls Conte.

The twentieth century was the century of atrocities, wars, racial hatred, mass exterminations. Men have stained themselves with violence that could never have been imagined, blinded by diversity, by ideologies, by different ethnic, social, cultural or national backgrounds. In this scenario, the drama of the Foibe takes on the contours of an unheard of, unacceptable, unjustifiable genocide “. the President of the Senate, Maria Elisabetta Casellati, at the ceremony on the Day of Remembrance, held in the Senate Hall.

The institutions and all citizens therefore have the task of continuing to keep the memory alive what happened on the eastern border of our country and promote reconstruction and historical dissemination, especially among the new generations. And to reject without hesitation the negationist or justifying theses, unfortunately still present ” President of the Chamber Roberto Fico intervening in the Senate to commemorate the victims of the Foibe.

Crazy who denies the Shoah and crazy who denies the sinkholes. The enemy to fight is still indifference, violence and ignorance. “So the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, on the sidelines of the deposition of laurel wreaths at the foiba di Monrupino in Trieste, on the occasion of Remembrance Day.

“Today – Salvini reiterated – is an important day that should unite the whole country in the name of the memory of all these thousands of women, men and children massacred only as Italians. A real ethnic cleansing done by the Slavic communists and beyond “. So, he specified, it is necessary “to honor the memory of the past so that such bestialities never happen again in the future. Sorry that there is still someone who believes that there are Serie A deaths and Serie B deaths and that these Italians are a bit “less dead” because they died by the communist hand “. But, he concluded, “there are few remaining deniers”.

“Killed and thrown into karst pits, the sinkholes, symbol of terror, killed in prison camps, or forced into exodus and then long forgotten. Thousands of Italians, mostly civilians, from Venezia Giulia, Quarnaro and Dalmatia, were eliminated by the Yugoslav communist militias at the end of the Second World War and immediately afterwards. Of that massacre – writes the Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio on Facebook – we have a duty to make the memory survive, remember that it must be transformed into the teaching and exaltation of the values ​​of peace “.” Oblivion and the denial of injustice and death are the worst enemies to fight – continues the owner of the Farnesina – because no torture, no lost life, in any historical-political circumstance, they are never forgotten, but always remain as a warning and as a new sense of direction “

The leader of the League, Matteo Salvini spoke on the subject in the morning with a tweet: “Honor to the Martyrs of the #Foibe, thousands of men, women and children, massacred by the Communists only because they are Italian” wrote Salvini, who will participate in the celebrations at the Foiba di Monrupino this morning in Trieste and the Basovizza Shrine.

A great banner with the inscription “Partisans titini infamous and assassins” with the characteristic turtle symbol of CasaPound, was attacked last night on the House of culture in Bagnoli di San Dorligo della Valle and in Opicina (Trieste) on Prosvetni dom.

THE MATTARELLA MESSAGE: “A national disaster to which contemporaries did not attribute due importance to superficiality or calculation”. So the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella on the occasion of Remembrance day in memory of the victims of the foibe. “There are still small pockets of regrettable militant denial”, underlines the head of state, according to which “today the real opponent to beat, stronger and more insidious, is that of indifference, of disinterest, of carelessness, which often feed of the lack of knowledge of history and its events “.

“The Day of Remembrance (established with a very large majority by Parliament in 2004, editor’s note) contributes – reads Mattarella’s declaration – to reviving a tragic page in our history
recently, for many years ignored, removed or even denied: the terrible sufferings that the Italians of Istria, Dalmatia and Venezia Giulia were forced to suffer under the occupation of the Yugoslav Communists. These lands, with their inhabitants, at the end of the Second World War, experienced the sad and hard fate of passing, without interruption, from the dictatorship of Nazifascism to that of communism. The latter unleashed, in those border regions, a persecution against the Italians, sometimes masked by reprisal for the fascist harassment, but which resulted in real ethnic cleansing, which hit a defenseless and generalized population in a ferocious and generalized way. The persecution, the massacre massacres – culminated, but not exhausted, in the dark tragedy of the Foibe –
the forced exodus of the Italians of Istria from Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia are fully part of the history of our country and Europe “.

“It was a national disaster – affirms Mattarella – to which contemporaries did not attribute due importance to superficiality or calculation. This painful circumstance weighed even more on the shoulders of the refugees whom they knew in their Motherland, alongside great solidarity, also non-isolated behaviors of incomprehension, indifference and even hateful hostility. It is mainly due to the strenuous struggle of the exiles and their descendants if today, albeit slowly and with difficulty, the sad chapter of the Foibe and the exodus has come out of the cone of shadow and became part of history
national, accepted and shared. Conquering, dutifully, the dignity of memory.

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