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Five Steps to Take Care of Prokes and Body Immune in One Click Via Smartphone

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Recently, cases of COVID-19 have jumped again with the emergence of a new variant. The public is again advised to minimize physical contact to reduce the possibility of spreading the virus.

Although the space for movement is limited, it does not mean that we are unproductive. In this digital era, you can do various activities and fulfill your daily needs easily in one hand smartphonestarting from access to health services, education, daily shopping, and much more.

In addition to making it easier, a series of digital platforms that exist can also certainly help you to minimize physical contact and maintain health.

Do you also want this situation to return to normal? For that, we can both tighten health protocols and take care of each other. Well, there are some simple ways that you can do just by using smartphone-Mu.

Firstmaintain a balanced diet that is not boring. As we know, fulfilling a balanced diet is one of the keys to keeping the body’s immune system strong.

However, that does not mean your food menu is monotonous every day. You can create a variety of healthy menus with balanced nutrition so that not boring and still appetizing. Starting from inspiring healthy dish recipes to shopping for quality food ingredients, you can do it through smartphone.

In addition to a variety of content on the internet and social media, you can also plan healthy meals using the Mycoplan application and get various healthy and delicious recipes from Pasarnow.

Secondno need to bring a wallet, smartphone is the key to safe shopping. If you do have to go out to go shopping, make sure to minimize physical contact so you can avoid exposure to the virus.

There are several steps you can take, such as bringing your own shopping bags, preparing hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray to clean shopping baskets and using digital payment services.

By using digital payments, you only need to have a cellphone ready and you don’t need to be complicated to carry cash.

One of the digital money payment methods that you can use is ShopeePay. In addition to being more convenient and secure, ShopeePay’s digital payment service also provides a myriad of promos that are guaranteed to make the shopping experience more convenient.

You can use ShopeePay when shopping at various favorite food outlets to minimarkets or supermarkets, such as Indomaret, Alfamart, Superido, Hypermart, and at other shopping places.

Photo: Arsip Shopee

Third, Rebuild the routine of taking vitamins. In the midst of busy daily activities, we need to get additional intake to complement our vitamin needs.
Therefore, getting used to taking supplements containing multivitamins on a regular basis is one of the important things that must be considered.

You can get these supplement needs by utilizing telemedicine services such as aido health, Klikdokter or Lifepack.

You can also use Jovee to get vitamin recommendations as needed and install a vitamin reminder alarm in the application.

Fourth, schedule regular consultations with doctors. In the midst of the current situation, some of you may be reluctant to go to a health facility for regular consultations.

Telemedicine services that are now being widely used, such as Alodokter or SehatQ, can be a solution for checking health.

Without having to meet face to face with a doctor, you can consult your health or complaints that you are experiencing via your cellphone.

Not only that, telemedicine services also have affordable prices, an appointment system that can be adjusted to your schedule, and easy payments.

Final, surround yourself with entertainment to increase immunity. In addition to the tips above, of course we need to maintain mental health which also affects the health of the body.

Even if you are only at home, you can still entertain yourself so that the mood is maintained by watching various exciting content streaming via VIU and WeTV, listening to podcast inspirational, or video call with loved ones.

You can also talk to each other about the topics of movies and drama series that are being talked about so you don’t miss any news.

The existence of various digital platforms indirectly facilitates our lives without even realizing it can be used to protect ourselves during this pandemic.

It doesn’t stop there, you can use ShopeePay when transacting at the merchants above to get cashback.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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