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Five bonuses of persimmon. Nutritionist – about what this fruit is unique and useful | Proper nutrition | Health

More than 20% of the daily value so many antioxidants are contained in one persimmon weighing 100-150 g. So it can be used as a natural remedy for the prevention of premature aging. This fruit should also be loved by heart patients and hypertensive patients.

Why is persimmon unique? Who benefits from eating less ripe fruits? How to reduce the astringency of the fruit? Told about it Nutritionist at the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, Ph.D. Natalya Denisova.


Persimmon has been known in the East for more than 2 thousand years. In ancient times, it was also used as a medicine. In the writings of Avicenna, persimmon is described as a remedy for treating anemia, strengthening immunity and even preventing aging as a rejuvenating agent. The fact is that persimmon contains a lot of antioxidants. It is primarily a precursor of vitamin A beta carotene. Its content in one fruit, depending on the variety and size of the fruit, reaches 20% of the daily human need. By the way, beta-carotene is absorbed from persimmons even better than from raw carrots, although there is much more of it in the latter. Therefore, if we eat a full-fledged fruit weighing, say, 100-150 grams, then we will get a fairly large amount of beta-carotene and other antioxidants such as lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene, flavonoids.

Supports Immunity

Due to the high content of vitamin C, B vitamins, rutin and other persimmons, it has a powerful stimulating effect on the immune system, on the body’s resistance to various unfavorable factors. A large amount of minerals, in particular manganese, zinc, copper, also helps to strengthen the immune system.

This fruit also has the ability to stimulate anti-tumor immunity, improve peripheral blood flow, reduce the risk of thrombosis, and protect the walls of blood vessels from the formation of cholesterol plaques. In general, heart patients, as well as those who have a risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, should often include persimmons in their diet.

Good for the heart

Korean scientists carried out experiments (though only on animals so far) and came to the conclusion that tannins astringents found in persimmons, contribute to the prevention of the development of atherosclerosis. They seem to interfere with the attachment of atherosclerotic plaques to the vessel wall. By the way, in addition to tannins, persimmon contains a lot of such useful substances, which are called phytosterols. And they reliably reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, reducing the risks of atherosclerosis.

Persimmon contains a lot of potassium, which helps to remove excess water from the body. This means that it is useful for hypertensive patients, since it is water retention in the body that leads to an increase in blood pressure. There is also another useful trace element in persimmon for the normal functioning of the heart muscle magnesium. In addition, magnesium is needed so that all useful substances are well absorbed, metabolic processes in the body proceed normally. Plus magnesium known anti-stress factor.

Source of iodine and iron

Another nice bonus in persimmon fairly high content of iron and iodine. This combination is rarely found in other vegetables and fruits. Moreover, iron is quite well absorbed from persimmon. And iodine, which is needed for the thyroid gland to work well, in plant foods, as a rule, is found mainly in seaweed.

Persimmon feature astringent properties that tannin gives it. The younger the fruit, the more tannin. As it matures, the insoluble tannin decreases and the astringent taste ceases to be so pronounced. If you don’t like the strong astringent taste, there is a way to get rid of it. freeze the fruit. The tannins will become insoluble, and most of the beneficial properties will remain.

However, there are lovers who like this feature of persimmon. It is worth remembering here that tannins have a strengthening effect. Therefore, astringent fruit is undesirable for people who suffer from constipation. On the other hand, with diarrhea, it can help get rid of the unpleasant symptom. Although the benefits of the persimmon itself practically does not depend on the concentration of tannin.

Helps not to get fat

In addition, tanning agents like tannin slow down the absorption of nutrients slightly. Therefore, if you are monitoring your weight and want calories to be absorbed less quickly, tannins will also come to the rescue.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that persimmon sweet fruit. And the content of mono- and disaccharides in it is quite high. This gives reason to recommend with caution persimmon to diabetics. A large amount of it can lead to a jump in blood glucose levels, a sharp release of the hormone insulin and various associated adverse effects. In particular, many scientists associate the appearance of excess body weight with an increase in insulin levels in the blood. But it is the less ripe fruit, which contains a lot of tannins, slows down the absorption of sugars and does not lead to a sharp increase in blood glucose levels, which is suitable for such patients. Therefore, if a person suffers from diabetes, one should give preference to those varieties of persimmons that are more knitted. In addition, unripe fruits contain less sugar and more dietary fiber, which is also beneficial for people with overweight and diabetes.

Of course, to get the most of the persimmon, you shouldn’t eat it in kilos. Otherwise, side effects in the form of constipation, allergies, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system, etc. cannot be avoided. Enough 2-3 medium or one large fruit per day. It is also not recommended to give persimmon to children under 3 years old.

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