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filter dam and police officers to shop at Ikéa

Last weekend was the first of the stores reopening. A reopening which was accompanied by strict conditions: 10 square meters per customer, disinfection of the hands, single-handed races and for a maximum of 30 minutes.

At Ikéa, as elsewhere, we had established a system. We had even increased the minimum surface area per customer to 20 square meters, but it was still necessary to be able to enforce these measures. Despite the presence of a security company, this was not the case. Customers arrived alone and then gathered in families in the store. The staff’s remarks were not well received and, outside, there were even the beginnings of a fight.

Meeting between the mayor and the store management

How can we prevent such scenes from happening again next weekends? This was the subject of the meeting between the mayor of Awans, Thibaud Smolders, and the management of Ikéa. The aim was also to avoid a drastic measure, namely the compulsory closure of the store.

The two sides agreed to a series of measures. Thus, upon arrival on the site, a filtering dam will check the number of people per vehicle, will remind the rule and ensure that only one person can make the purchases. Police checks will be carried out. A COVID patrol will be present on the site of the commercial zoning. We even mention the mounted police. And, inside the store, police officers will also be able to circulate and check that each customer is indeed making their purchases alone. No more question of call to order but, here, we will verbalize directly, warns the town. Each offender therefore risks a fine of 250 euros.

Prepare your purchases on the Net

If buying clothes or shoes can be done on your own, investing in a new bedroom or kitchen is more complicated. For the spokesperson for Ikéa, it is however a simple question of organization: “You can prepare your shopping very well via the website and therefore already make your selection and your shopping list with even the numbers of the departments in which you can pick up your merchandise. Everything is in the preparation!”, explains Julie Stordiau who adds “the meeting was very constructive and we are delighted that the mayor has decided to put in place more controls”.

To be checked on site next weekend.

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