Home » today » World » Feeding Europe in times of crisis – challenges and opportunities of the Farm to Fork strategy – 2024-02-23 19:11:26

Feeding Europe in times of crisis – challenges and opportunities of the Farm to Fork strategy – 2024-02-23 19:11:26

/ world today news/ Stanishev and the delegation of Bulgarian socialists in the EP organize a discussion on the new agricultural policy of the EU

The EC strategy “From farm to table” occupies a central place in the European Green Pact and has the ambition to transform food systems in Europe towards a more sustainable model of production and consumption. For decades, many have taken the availability of food for granted, but geopolitical uncertainty caused by the war in Ukraine, together with rising energy prices and rising inflation, have brought the world to the brink of a global food crisis and tested the EU’s ability to provide food.

This caused a new debate in Europe about finding a balance between food security and environmental and climate goals. In Bulgaria, both the producers and consumers express concern about the risks of outsourcing production of food to third countries, which will turn Europe from a leading world exporter into an importer without security of supply. They are demanding an impact assessment, an appeal also made by the European Parliament in a resolution from October 2021. Therefore, a public discussion is needed on the future of the European agricultural sector, the proposed policies and the funding opportunities.

On the initiative of Sergey Stanishev and the Delegation of the Bulgarian Socialists in the EP on the 10th February 2023 from 10:00 am V Sofia Event Center, Mall Paradise, 100 Cherni Vrah Blvd., 3rd floor. the conference will be held “Feeding Europe in times of crisis – challenges and opportunities of the “Farm to Fork” strategy. Entrance is free.

The event aims to bring together all interested parties from Bulgaria and Central and Eastern Europe, as well as prominent European experts. Bulgarian Minister of Agriculture Yavor Gechev, members of the EP Sergey Stanishev, Ivo Hristov, Asim Ademov, Clara Aguilera have confirmed their participation. (Spain, S&D) and Carmen Abraham (Romania, S&D), people’s representatives from the 48th National Assembly, as well as representatives of branch organizations, business and the non-governmental sector. Deputy ministers and directors of directorates from Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Greece and Croatia will participate in the discussion. Experts from sector-leading non-governmental organizations based in Brussels also arrive to share their position, such as Copa-Cogeсa, Animal Health Europe and FEFAC European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation.

The conference will be structured in three main panels: “The Impact of Multiple Crises – Growing Regional Inequalities”; “Food and Health”; and “Competitiveness and Trade”.

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