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Federal election: next healthcare crisis is here, says Canada’s nurses


Nurses unions launch nationwide campaign to educate voters about nursing shortage

16 août 2021 (OTTAWA, ON) – With Canadians heading to the polls officially in the fall, the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) is launching a voter awareness campaign and denouncing inaction on the national nursing shortage which is reaching a critical point in almost every region of the country. Canada’s nurses are calling on political parties to make clear commitments to address this shortage and other shortcomings in the already stretched health care system.

“Throughout the pandemic, nurses worked in short supply and worked an unprecedented number of overtime hours, sometimes compulsory, and this during shifts of up to 24 hours,” emphasizes Linda Silas, president. of the FCSII.

“Without concrete action from the next government, Canada risks witnessing an exodus of nurses and these people will leave an already struggling health care system. Nurses call on political parties and candidates to commit to investing in safe staffing levels and improving working conditions so that experienced nurses are where they need to be… ie at bedside. “

According to a study conducted before COVID, 60% of nurses intended to quit their jobs during the year, and more than a quarter even mention wanting to leave the profession. As a result of all the pressure over the past seventeen months, crowds of nurses are expected to leave the profession, at longer wait times, and as a result, to insufficient care.

“Nurses are asking voters to pressure their candidates to address key issues, including investing in and supporting nurses, addressing issues in the long-term care sector , increase access to quality daycare services and, ultimately, ensure that everyone can obtain the drugs they need through a universal drug insurance plan, ”says Silas.

The organization has launched a landing page, the next crisis.ca, and digital advertising will target regions of the country. The campaign highlights the deep cracks in Canada’s health care system that have been exposed – and often made worse – by the pandemic.

“We are already at the heart of the next crisis in the healthcare sector,” emphasizes Silas. “Without immediate and diligent attention, the future of health care in Canada is in danger. “

For more information, contact:
Ben René, [email protected], 613-406-5962
Lauren Snowball, [email protected], 613-868-5702

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