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Recognizing the Symptoms of Childhood Diabetes: What Parents Should Watch Out For

Beritabali.com/cnnindonesia.com/Symptoms of Childhood Diabetes That Are Often Unnoticed But Dangerous

Project Lead Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC) and Executive Director of the International Pediatrics Association, World Pediatric Association Aman Bhakti Pulungan said there are several symptoms to watch out for related to childhood diabetes.

Remembering that parents usually consider some of the symptoms that appear trivial. Even consider this as part of normal child growth and development.

“So the point is for all parents to be alert. Because the symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are quite different and are usually considered trivial,” said Aman in an IDAI media briefing ahead of World Diabetes Day, Saturday (11/11).

For children who have type 1 diabetes, here are the symptoms to watch out for. Following are the symptoms:

Symptoms of Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes

1. Drink a lot

Children tend to want to drink constantly. You could say that children will always feel thirsty. Even though the conditions were not hot.

2. Pee a lot

Children tend to pee often. Even when he was over five years old and had never wet the bed, he suddenly started wetting the bed frequently.

“If you are at this stage of bedwetting, you have to be alert and the first thing you think about is diabetes. Type 1, yes, although in type 2 there are actually these symptoms too,” he said.

3. Weight loss drastically

Children will experience drastic weight loss for no apparent reason. Because in terms of eating and drinking all the nutrients are met. But his weight actually dropped drastically.

2023-11-12 02:37:27
#Symptoms #Childhood #Diabetes #Unnoticed #Dangerous #Beritabali.com

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