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Expected to be Anies’ replacement, Ahmad Sahroni: My dream is to become president


Candidate Exchange Jakarta Governor Candidate Jakarta’s replacement for Anies Baswedan has begun to be widely discussed. General Treasurer of the NasDem Party, Ahmad Sahroni, is one of the names in the Jakarta gubernatorial candidate exchange. This is Sahroni’s response.

“Regarding the recent issues, about my name being mentioned as a candidate for Governor of DKI Jakarta, I actually just flowed it,” said Sahroni to reporters, Wednesday (5/1/2022).

But actually Sahroni did not have a dream to become the Governor of DKI. Sahroni actually dreams of becoming the successor of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as President of the Republic of Indonesia.

“Actually, my dream is to become president. However, if we look at the realistic conditions on the ground, it may still take time,” he said.

Sahroni did not question the support of the cadres who pushed him forward as a cagub for DKI in the 2024 Pilkada. However, he said, so far there has been no official discussion among NasDem internals regarding the cagub DKI.

“Back to the Governor of DKI Jakarta. I see the impetus that appears as an aspiration from the cadres, and of course it is legitimate. What is certain, so far, from existing formal communications, this discussion has never emerged,” he explained.

Furthermore, Sahroni admitted that currently he was only focusing on the two positions he held. ‘Crazy rich Priok’ is currently focusing on carrying out his duties as a member of the DPR and Chairman of the Organizing Committee for Formula E.

“There has been no communication or direction regarding the governor’s position. So I just want to focus on working as a member of the DPR and Chairman of the Formula E Committee,” said Sahroni.

“If then there is activity marketing what I’ve done so far, it’s just to raise the party’s vote,” he concluded.

Check out the Jakarta cagub candidate exchange on the next page.

Watch the video ‘The Riza-Airin Issue Becomes Anies’ Successor, Dasco: Not Gerindra’s Official Position’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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