Home » today » Entertainment » “Exit” actor Jon Øigarden (49) has learned to live with Tourettes

“Exit” actor Jon Øigarden (49) has learned to live with Tourettes

And podcasts «Stormcast with Valebrokk & Stordalen» tells Øigarden frankly about his personal experiences with Tourette’s syndrome.

The disease usually starts in childhood, and the vast majority have the disease by the age of 15.

The symptoms are easily misunderstood, and it can often take a long time before the diagnosis is made. There is a predominance of boys who get the disease , according to Large medical encyclopedia.

– I was a little teased at school: «Why do you do that?

Øigarden remembers himself when, as a small schoolboy, he received comments for his habits.

– I was a little teased at school: “Why do you do that?” and “Why are you sitting like that?”. You get signals from the brain to do things, and if you do, it creates a certain calm. Therefore, you have to do the tics, or it just keeps going, tells the 49-year-old in the podcast, writes See & Hear.

Participated in a number of films

Jon Øigarden is from Grefsen in Oslo. He is a graduate of the Norwegian Theater Academy.

He has participated in a number of Norwegian films and plays, including Sofie’s world, Detektor, High school teacher Pedersen, Berlinerpoplene, Kurt gets cruel, A normal day at work, Commander Treholt & the Ninja Troop, King Curling, Varg Veum – In the dark all wolves are gray, Half brother, Lilyhammer, Christmas in Blodfjell, Mammon and Exit, which is now shown on NRK in a new season.

– I’m really grateful to have it

Tourette’s syndrome is characterized by recurrent tics. This means that you get involuntary movements and sounds that come and go in periods. Examples of common tics are blinking, head movements or raking / wheezing, according to helsenorge.no.

– I have a small degree of it. I can control it to a great extent and have learned to live with it. I’m really grateful I have it. I could not be without the little tics and habits, tells Jon Øigarden in the podcast.

Often several in the same family who have tics

Tourette’s syndrome is a neurobiological condition. This means that tics are due to your nervous system functioning differently than others. Obsessive thoughts and actions are common.

Family and twin studies have shown that there are often several in the same family who have tics. There seem to be different combinations of different genes and environmental factors that can result in this condition.

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