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Exercise already regular but not getting satisfactory results? Maybe this is the reason!

Sport it is an activity that is carried out for various purposes, ranging from maintaining physical fitness, to losing weight or creating the desired body shape. Normally, you can quickly reach that goal as long as you exercise regularly.

However, there are moments exercise routines did not give satisfactory results. Reported by You are welcomeHowever, the results obtained are not optimal even if they have been diligent in exercising, usually, due to several factors below. Come on, look at the reviews!

Less intense

Sports Illustration / Photo: Pexels.com/ElinaFairytale

Going to the gym every day doesn’t always guarantee that the workout routine you do is optimal. If you’re feeling more social than working out in the gym, here’s why your workout isn’t working.

In order for the exercise to really show maximum results, you need to monitor your heart rate while exercising. For exercise to be effective, you need to train to reach 50 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate. In general, a person’s maximum heart rate can be calculated by subtracting 220 from their age.

I’m just doing cardio

It has a host of good body benefits, don't ignore cardio / Photo: pexels.com/Jonathan BorbaSports Illustration / Photo: Pexels.com/Jonathan Borba

Many people assume that for lose weight, they need to incorporate cardio into their routine, one of which is running. While cardio can burn calories, you also need to gain muscle mass lose weight.

The more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body can burn at rest. You need to schedule weight lifting or other sports, for example Push ups And squat which can gain muscle mass at least twice a week.

Non-regulatory diet

Healthy drinks that help you lose weightIllustration / Photo: Getty Images / iStockphoto / RossHelen

Even if you have it exercise routines, you won’t see much progress if you can’t manage your diet well. In addition to eating healthy foods, you should also avoid foods that are high in calories.

However, instead of cutting down a lot of calories in your diet, you should be eating the right amount of calories because not consuming enough calories will actually slow down your metabolism and make it harder to see the real results of the exercise you’ve done so far.

Not enough rest

Instead of going fitness center every day for a few hours, it is best to use some of your time to rest. Experts say that sufficient rest time between training routines will allow the muscles to recover.

Sports illustration (Photo: Pexels / cottonbro)
Sports illustration (Photo: Pexels / cottonbro)

If you continue to force your muscles to exercise, eventually, your muscles will tire and interfere with your training routine in the future. Likewise, all the organs in your body need at least 7 hours of rest to function optimally the next day.


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