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Epy Kusnandar’s Love Story with His Beautiful Wife Who Is 19 Years Younger


The age difference marriage is also experienced by soap operas Epy Kusnandar, Mother. With his wife, Karina Ranau, the two are 19 years apart.

Even so, the two of them didn’t seem to mind. Even Epy and Karina live their household in harmony.

Related to this, it turns out that in the past, Epy met Karina in the same job. Both are involved in the sitcom project, Mother.

At that time, Epy acted as the main character. Meanwhile, Karina is a supporting actor or extra there

“At that time I was an extra. Then when I changed costumes, Mas Epy peeked at me. Asked for my number and took me home,” said Karina Ranau, quoted from channel YouTube TRANS TV Official on Saturday (29/5/2021).

From this interaction, the two became closer to each other. However, they are just friends and have not been in a relationship yet.

“From there it’s close but not dating,” Karina continued.

After that one sitcom, Epy and Karina were reunited with job the same one. However, this opportunity occurred by accident.

“Finally see you again on the sitcom Husbands Afraid of Wives.”

“So it is often taken to the shooting location (by Epy), the director is seen,” he continued.

At that time, Karina said that their relationship had reached a more serious stage. They are officially dating.

And with the closeness that Epy and Karina often show, the director who works with Epy then invites Karina to join. She became Epy’s third wife in the sitcom.

“So at that time his wife was two (in the sitcom) because I often stalking, the director said why not three,” he said.

During her relationship with Epy, Karina admitted that there was confusion. This was felt directly by his family.

“It’s just that at that time we were dating, but it was not clear, my brother, family, parents were confused,” he said.

The confusion began with Epy’s status as a widower. Karina said, marrying a widower is a strange thing for residents in her village.

“In the village, it is still common with people who are married to widowers, who have children,” said Karina.

In the midst of the discussion, Epy then raised his voice. He explained that the action he saw the wife in the first meeting is an action that indirectly must be accounted for.

Therefore, Epy admitted that his efforts were the beginning of his relationship with Karina at this time.

“As a form of responsibility in the end I married her,” said Epy confidently.

Read more information here, yes, Mother.

Mother, also check out the story of Whulandary’s first date with her Malaysian husband in the following video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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