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‘Epy Kusnandar and Yogi Gamblez Arrested for Drug Use in Jakarta: Latest Updates’


Senior actor Epy Kusnandar ‘Thug Pension’ and his partner Yogi Gamblez ‘Last Wolf’ were arrested by police in connection with them drugs. Both of them are currently under medical examination after being arrested by the police for consuming marijuana.

Keeping track detikcom, Monday (10/5/2024) Epy Kusnandar was seen wearing a green parka jacket, while Yogi was wearing a gray t-shirt. Both of their hands appeared to be handcuffed.

Epy and Yogi were taken by detectives from the West Jakarta Police Narcotics Unit investigation room for a medical examination. Epy spoke sparingly when asked by the media team.

“Thank God (health),” Epy said.

As is known, the actors Epy Kusnandar ‘Preman Pensiun’ and Yogi Gamblez ‘Last Wolf’ were arrested at a shop in Kalibata Apartment area, South Jakarta (Jaksel).

Head of the West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, AKBP Indrawienny Panjiyoga, said that both of them were arrested almost at the same time in the same place while they were conscious. Yogi was arrested first.

“The people were arrested around Kalibata City Apartments at the shop by EK’s brother (Epy Kusnandar). office, Friday (10/5/2024).

Panjiyoga revealed that the arrest of Epy Kusnandar and Yogi Gamblez started with a public report. The police also moved to investigate.

“Initially, there were reports from the public related to drug abuse. So we investigated and found those two. More information will be released by the Chief of Police, so until now we are asking friends be patient because we are currently doing a deep investigation into this matter,” he explained.

AKBP Indrawienny said that Epy Kusnandar and Yogi were arrested because they tested positive for using marijuana. Evidence was also found during the arrest.

“So it is true that we, the Chief of the West Jakarta Police Narcotics Unit, have arrested two persons in the names of EK (Epy Kusnandar) and YG. Both of them are actors but in different films. From these two, from one of them we found evidence of marijuana-type narcotics.


2024-05-11 06:13:29

#Epy #Kusnandar #apparently #underwent #health #test #arrested #marijuana

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