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Environment and social sustainability: boomers, women and freelancers are taking the field

Boomers, women and freelancers: they are the ones who lead in the defense of the environment and social sustainability. These two issues are now increasingly under the attention of organizational agendas, ready to introduce actions in support of Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (Csrd). This is why it is not surprising to note the sensitivity, awareness and sense of responsibility on the part of these generations. This is what emerges from the fourth edition of the study on the well-being and happiness of the Italian population, conducted byBenEssere Happiness Observatory in collaboration with Research Dogma. The research involved 1000 people representing all generations (aged sixteen and up) across the national territory. The first interesting piece of evidence is that if from the first release of data in 2024 the North West was a few points behind the national average in terms of happiness, on the belief that it is necessary to do everything possible to defend the environment and reduce problems social is the leader at 42%, compared to a national average of 38%. Followed by the south and the islands at 39%, the center and the north east. “It is interesting to see how the North West, which can be considered the most productive area in Italy, feels the greatest need to engage in sustainability issues and expresses the desire to make a valuable contribution to companies that are committed to this transformation – he declares Elga Corricelli co-founder of the Happiness Research Association – As if the rewriting of the work paradigm could start from here which, as we have seen, is so urgent today”.

Analyzing the professionsto feel more that it is right to do everything possible to defend the environment and to have the environment at heart social sustainability are the self-employed professionals (41%). This is followed by white-collar workers (38%), entrepreneurs and managers on equal merit (with 37%) and followed by blue-collar workers (35%). “People who are less happy with their jobs are starting to test the new way of working, where the sustainability contribution is one of the fundamental elements – he adds Corricelli – Recently, according to classification Nuts2 dell’European Unionthe Lombardy turns out to be, in fact, the first Italian industrial region with an added value in 2019 of 80.4 billion euros. I see it as positive to see that, in this portion of Italy, together with the other regions of the north west, the 4 generations at work express their desire to change projects and processes to fuel all-round sustainability. Once again it seems that the message is: we can get better by doing better.” If on the one hand there are those who think that defending the environment or reducing social disparities is the most important thing today, on the other hand there are those who maintain that today there are other priorities. In detail, the search for WellBeing Happiness notes that for 38% of those interviewed a person should do everything possible to defend the environment and reduce social problems, aspects considered to have a direct impact on the happiness of today and future generations, 33% believe that protecting the environment and the reduction of social problems are important, but for the happiness of today and future generations there are other priorities. In this, 29% seem unable to take sides.

#Environment #social #sustainability #boomers #women #freelancers #field
– 2024-05-13 05:23:26

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