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“Emmanuel Macron announces tax cuts and political tensions rise: A recap of recent events”

Interviewed by Gilles Bouleau on the 8 p.m. news from TF1 on Monday evening, Emmanuel Macron announced 2 billion euros in tax cuts in the coming months. Enough to draw the media curtain on the two-year postponement of the retirement age and on the protest that has resulted from it in recent months. A providential gift that does not convince the opposition. And one! Elisabeth Borne celebrates her 1st birthday at Matignon with a nice gift: the assurance that Emmanuel Macron will not kick her out in the coming days. It was the head of state himself who said so during his interview with TF1 on Monday evening. Yet, according to political columnists, this declaration of support and confidence hides many frictions between the Prime Minister and the President. This Tuesday, the Prime Minister received union officials in turn at Matignon. After Frédéric Souillot of Force Ouvrière, make way for Laurent Berger of the CFDT. These meetings sign the great return of the unions to the table of Elisabeth Borne, a first since the promulgation of the pension reform. Reform which is still not digested by the inter-union which has planned to put it back on the table of the Prime Minister this week. By accepting Emmanuel Macron’s invitation to the “Choose France” operation, Elon Musk has done the Head of State a proud service. Having the boss of Telsa, Space X and Twitter at home, filmed and photographed from every angle on each of his trips, is the assurance of being included in all the international media.

2023-05-16 19:28:20
#p.m #Media #billion #tax #cuts #people #forget #pension #reform

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