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Elon Musk’s company wants to revive the dinosaurs


Company Neuralink founded by Elon Musk continues to make unique innovations. If previously succeeded in getting monkeys to play games using their minds, now Neuralink claims they can bring to life a unique exotic species, like dinosaurs, in the next 15 years.

In a tweet on Twitter, @max_hodax wrote that they (possibly Neuralink) could build Jurrasic Park.

“We could probably build a Jurassic Park if we wanted. It wouldn’t be a genetically genuine dinosaur but … maybe 15 years of breeding + engineering to get a new super exotic species,” he wrote.

Even so, that tweet, and subsequent tweets about biodiversity, made no mention Neuralink. However, that did not stop speculation. Some people question the word ‘we’ aka ‘we’, whether it refers to all humans or the company that he founded with Elon Musk.

Despite the speculative frenzy of a Hodax paper, it is absolutely impossible to resurrect the dinosaurs, quoted from CNET, Saturday (10/4/2021). First, we need the DNA of those prehistoric creatures. Unlike in the Jurassic Park films, the information from dinosaur DNA is likely to have been degraded over millions of years buried underground.

However, recently extinct animals, such as the woolly mammoth, might be quite a potential target for ‘resurrection’. We can still extract DNA from these creatures and theoretically be able to build and implant mammoth embryos in modern elephants.

The question is, how important is this? Should it be done? So far, it seems that no scientist has succeeded in trying to revive the mammoth. Because of that, reviving the ancient animals dinosaur surely it will be much more difficult and near impossible.

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