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Election for the judge’s seat: a non-party woman and an SVP man vie for the favor of the citizens

Election for the judge’s seat: a non-party woman and an SVP man vie for the favor of the citizens

On June 13, the voters of the Weinfelden district elect a new professional judge for the district court. Martina Notargiacomo, who is ported by the GLP, and Urs Weber, who is supported by his own party, the SVP, stand for election.

The two candidates want to go to this courtroom: the hall in the Weinfeld town hall.

Bild: Mario Testa

On June 13, voters in the Weinfelden district will be spoiled for choice. Or as one puts it politically: “It’s always good when the voter has a choice.” At least that’s how Andreas Zuber, president of the SVP district party, sees it. Because the local SVP announced at the beginning of the year that they have a successor for the district court. Since SVP man Pascal Schmid has announced his resignation and Claudia Spring takes over his position as head of the court, there is a vacancy among the district judges.

“We as SVP clearly want to defend our seat,” says Zuber. One is in the fortunate position of presenting a suitable candidate for this. “In Urs Weber we have a member who has practical experience and has worked in both civil and criminal law,” says the president. Weber reported himself to the party leadership because he was attracted to the position in the district court, says Zuber.

The porting of a candidate by the Green Liberals does not surprise Zuber. “With such an office it is clear that there are opposing candidates,” he says. However, they are convinced that Urs Weber has a candidate. “We are very confident,” he says.

The choice as a great opportunity

Urs Weber is not a vineyard. However, he wants to be one from 2022. Then he reins, even without winning the election with his family, in the secret capital on the Thur. «My wife and I have been looking for a nice place to stay for a long time and then found it in Weinfelden. We decided a year ago to move to Weinfelden », says Urs Weber. He sees the possible election as judge of the Weinfelden District Court as a great opportunity.

“In the course of my work at the Frauenfeld district court and as a lawyer, I noticed that I really like working at the district court,” says the 31-year-old lawyer. He is convinced that his professional skills – especially in family law – and his easy-going manner will benefit him when working as a judge.

“I can quickly establish contact with my counterpart, keep a cool head even in difficult situations and have a natural authority,” he says. Weber came to jurisprudence through the border guard corps. The Frauenfelder is not only a lawyer, but also a trained border guard. In the course of this training, he also had initial contact with law, especially criminal law. “It is often said that the law is a dry matter. I’ve never felt that way. ”

Weber has been a member of the SVP for years. However, he does not perceive this as disturbing for the profession of judge, on the contrary. This makes it easier for voters to classify their political views. “In the end, the party affiliation has no influence on the judiciary,” he emphasizes. But he wants to implement the values ​​of his party as a citizen-friendly, consistent and fair judge. “I think it is very important that everyone is treated fairly in court,” says Urs Weber.

Choice as a new challenge

Urs Weber competes against Martina Notargiacomo in the elections. Born in Weinfelder, she is non-party, but is ported by the Green Liberal District Party. “I don’t want to join any party because I think a judge should be independent,” says Martina Notargiacomo. So that she still has support in the election campaign, she thought about which party would suit her best.

Values ​​such as equality, the promotion of education and sustainability are also very close to her, which is why she can identify well with the GLP. “The GLP is of course very happy that we can also present a candidate for the elections,” says Jorim Schäfer, President of the district party. The goal is always to offer citizens a choice. However, the party could not find a suitable person in its own ranks. “We are all the happier that she reported Martina Notargiacomo to us and of course we are very happy to support her, even if she remains non-party,” says Schäfer.

In addition, it is not imperative that the vacancy has to be filled with a person from the SVP – even if this was due to the resignation of SVP man Pascal Schmid.

Notargiacomo is currently working as a public prosecutor in Frauenfeld. She lives in Winterthur, but moving to her old home is not a problem. The motivation, which is why she now wants to return to her home district, is the challenge. “After working as a public prosecutor for eleven years, I want to get out of my comfort zone and try something new,” she says.

As a person, she is committed, liberal and values ​​people with all their facets. «I see myself in a position to empathize with unfamiliar situations in life. I consider that to be central to my work as a judge. ” The mother of two brings with him management experience from the military. There she is acting as President of Military Tribunal 2 with the rank of lieutenant colonel. “So I also know the side as a judge,” she says. This experience also made it clear to her that the neutral position of the judge suits her more than the more one-sided party role as a prosecutor.

The district court irritated her because she was anxious to find an agreement between the parties whenever possible. “This is often the case at the district court and is more sustainable,” says Notargiacomo. She also names family law as an area of ​​law that she would like very much. “All in all, I am convinced that, thanks to my diverse professional experience and my open and consensual nature, I have the tools I need to be a judge at the district court,” says Martina Notargiacomo.

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