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Egypt exhibits ancient and mummified coffin finds

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Egyptian authorities announced the findings of at least 100 coffin some of the chests had mummified contents. Also found about 40 gold-plated statues in the southern pharaonic necropolis, the capital city of Cairo, Egypt.

The colorful Sacrophagus and the statues buried more than 2,500 years ago were exhibited on Saturday, November 14, 2020 in an exhibition at the foot of the Djoser pyramid in the Saqqara area of ​​Egypt.

Egyptian archaeologists exhibit 100 2500-year-old coffins. Source: Reuters

Archaeologists opened a chest with one mummy that was well wrapped and her clothes still visible. They also took x-rays to get a picture of the ancient mummy structure and see how well the body processes mummy it is preserved.

Egypt’s Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Khaled El-Anany said the findings came from the Ptolemaic dynasty that ruled Egypt for about 300 years.

Saqqara is part of the necropolis area in Memphis which was once the capital of ancient Egypt. In the area also includes the famous pyramids of Giza and the smaller pyramids named Abu Sir, Dahshur and Abu Ruwaysh. The ruins of the capital city of Memphis were included in UNESCO’s cultural heritage in the 1970s.

“Saqqara has not opened all its contents. This is a treasure. Excavations are still ongoing, every time we empty the graves, we find another entrance, ”said El-Anany.

El-Anany said authorities would move all artifacts to at least three museums in Cairo, including the Grand Egypt Museum, which was built near the pyramids of Giza. The find of 100 ancient coffins is the latest archaeological find in Egypt.

Earlier in September 2020, Egyptian authorities found at least 140 covered sarcophagi with most of the mummies in them in the Saqqara area as well. Mostafa Waziri, Secretary General of the Antiquities Court Council Egypt, said a number of Egyptian archaeologists also found pits filled with coffins, which were very nicely painted and decorated.

Source: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/11/14/egypt-unveils-ancient-coffins-statues-found-in-saqqara

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