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Effective home remedies for tooth pain

Some natural remedies have proven effective in caring for oral health

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Tooth pain can be in different ways and could be due to decay, fractures, among other causes. According to the National Autonomous University of Mexico, when it “appears” it can suddenly be spontaneous or provoked.

Spontaneous: at absolute rest, waking up, during sleep, during conversation, etc.

Caused for ingestion of hot or cold food or drinks; by the penetration of ambient air; for sweet or savory foods; food pressure, cavity suction or brushing; when making contact with another tooth, etc.

There are some home remedies that can Temporarily calm the pain in the teeth.

Clove oil

Pour a few drops of clove oil on a piece of cotton and gently rub the gum and the affected teeth.

Clove oil works because it contains eugenol, a natural anesthetic.

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Water rinses with salt

Add two teaspoons of salt to a cup of warm water. Rinse with this water and spit.

This home remedy is useful for both pain of teeth, inflamed gums, a sore or thrush, since the mixture has an effect healing.

A study published in the Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry reports that salt water mouthwashes can also help control plaque buildup in the teeth and prevent oral diseases.

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Garlic besides having qualities antioxidants, it is antibacterial and antifungal. It is a preventive method against oral conditions.

Studies have proven the effectiveness of garlic extract mouthwash to limit plaque.

Ways to use it:

  • Crush a clove of garlic and apply the extracted juice on the affected area
  • Crush the garlic and mix it with salt. Apply to the gum
  • Chew a clove of garlic

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Rinse with hydrogen peroxide

The use of hydrogen peroxide twice a day can relieve the gingivitisreduce the license plate and relieve the pain.

A study published in the Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry notes that rinses of hydrogen peroxide can be a complement to treat periodontitis chronicle.

Colgate recommends mixing a part of 3% hydrogen peroxide with an equal part of water. You should not swallow the rinse.

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Peppermint Oil

Peppermint is antibacterial and antimicrobialChewing peppermint leaves or rinsing this plant can prevent bad breath and prevent problems caused by excess bacteria in the mouth.

The oil of these leaves reduce the pain of the teeth. Apply a few drops of oil with a cotton swab or cotton on the affected surface.

Credit: José Garrido / Pxhere

If the pain reappears or increases, it is advisable to visit the specialist to determine the cause and attack the root problem.It may interest you: Foods that clean, protect and rebuild tooth enamel

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