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Eating potatoes and type 2 diabetes. Is there a real link?

Health Innovation at Edith Cowan University, has been exploring the nature of the relationship between food intake. Potato and type 2 diabetes, in a study published in the journal "Diabetes care".

Previous research had linked the two, depending on how much potato an individual ate, but the new study has found that out "How potatoes are prepared and what people add to them is what is associated with the disease type 2 diabetesNot the same veggies".

The study included more than 54,000 participants, aged 50 to 64, from "Danish diet, cancer and health group"which examined the relationship between dietary components and the incidence of cancer and other chronic diseases.

Participants answered questions in a questionnaire about how often they ate 192 types of foods, meaning those who participated recorded the number of times they ate a particular food in the past 12 months..

Study co-author Pratik Pokharel said: "Eating more vegetables reduces the risk of disease diabetes".

The researchers found that those with the highest vegetable intake had a 21 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared to the group with the lowest vegetable intake, after the lifestyle modification..

They also found that the participants had the highest potato consumption "They had a 9% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared with the group eating the lowest daily amount".

Boiled potatoes are essential

Bukharel said in a statement: "When we separated the boiled potatoes from mashed potatoes Or fried, no more Boiled potatoes associated with an increased risk of diabetes".

The study found that those who ate large quantities of potatoes also consumed more butter, red meat and soft drinks, all of which are known to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes..

Bukharil added: "When this is calculated, boiled potatoes are no longer associated with diabetes. that it chips and just mashed, and the latter is probably one reason why it’s usually made of butter, cream, and the like".

He also noticed that "It’s good to replace White rice ANDthe pasta Boiled potatoes, as potatoes contain fiber, vitamin C and other nutrients. We get nutrients from potatoes that we don’t find in white rice or pasta".

According to the most recent US Department of Agriculture dietary guidelines, nearly 90 percent of adults "They are not eating the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables".


A team of researchers, led by Nicola Bodono of the Institute for Nutrition Research and Health Innovation at Edith Cowan University, has been exploring the nature of the relationship between food intake. Potato and type 2 diabetes, according to a study published in the journalDiabetes care”.

Previous research had linked the two, depending on how much potatoes an individual ate, but the new study found that “how potatoes are prepared and what people add to them is what is linked to disease.” type 2 diabetesNot the same veggies.

The study involved more than 54,000 participants, aged between 50 and 64, from the Danish Diet, Cancer and Health Group, which examined the relationship between components of the diet and the incidence of cancer and other chronic diseases..

Participants answered questions in a questionnaire about how often they ate 192 types of foods, meaning those who participated recorded the number of times they ate a particular food in the past 12 months..

Study co-author Pratik Pokharel said: ‘Eating more vegetables leads to a lower risk of disease diabetes“.

The researchers found that those with the highest vegetable intake had a 21 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared to the group with the lowest vegetable intake, after the lifestyle modification..

They also found that the participants with the highest potato intake “had a 9 percent higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared to the group with the lowest daily intake.”.

Boiled potatoes are essential

“When we separated the boiled potatoes from the potatoes,” Bukharel said in a statement mashed potatoes Or fried, no more Boiled potatoes associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes.

The study found that those who ate large quantities of potatoes also consumed more butter, red meat and soft drinks, all of which are known to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes..

“When you calculate this, boiled potatoes are no longer associated with diabetes. They are chips and just mashed, and the latter is probably one reason why it’s usually made of butter, cream, and the like.

He also noted, “It feels good to replace White rice ANDthe pasta Boiled potatoes, as potatoes contain fiber, vitamin C and other nutrients. We get nutrients from potatoes that we don’t find in white rice or pasta“.

According to the most recent US Department of Agriculture dietary guidelines, nearly 90 percent of adults “don’t eat the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables.”

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