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Easy Ways to Love the Environment Starting from the Kitchen

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Apply lifestyle sustainable or sustainable living can be done anywhere. You can even start from kitchen.

One way to make the environment better can be started from the corner of this one house. Kitchens usually contribute a lot of household food waste. Whether it’s the packaging, or leftover food that can no longer fit in your stomach until it’s finally wasted.

Coinciding with World Environment Day, you should also contribute to creating a healthier earth. Here are some steps.

– Refrigerator efficiency
According to Science Daily, refrigerator release chlorofluorocarbon(CFCs), substances that can damage the ozone layer and make the earth warmer. One faulty refrigerator can release more than 100 grams of CFCs into the environment.

Refrigerator efficiency includes not opening and closing the refrigerator often for things that are not needed. Opening the refrigerator too often also risks making the refrigerator break down faster because there is a difference in the air inside and outside the refrigerator.

– Spend the ingredients in the fridge

Monthly shopping sometimes makes anyone crazy. It’s good to buy lots of groceries to stockpile, but if you don’t use them, they will just be waste in the trash.

Know what’s in your fridge, and use it before the expiration date. This step can also save on monthly expenses.

– Save cooking energy

Cooking in large quantities, using microwaves, ovens, and electric stoves can be very energy-consuming.

One of the keys to living environmentally friendly is to reduce energy use, including electrical energy. Your kitchen probably contributes a lot to the electricity bill at home.

Try to wisely manage the use of electricity in the kitchen.

How to Love the Environment


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