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5 Magical Benefits of Paprika for Health, Help the Body’s Immune

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Paprika widely used as a complement to stir-fry or pizza toppings to add to the delicacy of the dish. In addition, paprika can also be a snack because it is a source of fiber and other important nutrients it contains.

As reported Eat This, Not That!, paprika is a food that has a number of positive effects on health.

Here are five miraculous benefits of paprika for health.

1. Sharpen the ability of the brain

Bell peppers are loaded with vitamin C. In fact, bell peppers actually have more vitamin C than oranges.

In addition to health benefits such as building immunity and managing high blood pressure, vitamin C has also been shown to aid cognitive function as you age.

One review Education published in BMC Psychiatry found an association between vitamin C deficiency and feelings of depression and slower cognitive function.

While researchers claim that more research should be done, there have been several studies showing a link between vitamin C and cognitive function over the past 20 years—including Education cohort found in the American Journal of Epidemiology, which proves that vitamin C may protect against mild to severe cognitive impairment.

2. Boost your immunity

At a time when Covid-19 is still rampant, maintaining immunity is more important than ever.

Bell peppers contain solid amounts of vitamin A, which is known to help strengthen the immune system.

Most researchers have agreed that adequate amounts of vitamin A can protect the body from infectious diseases, but the reasons behind this are still debated.

according to Annual Review of Nutrition, it could be because vitamin A deficiency inhibits the ability to absorb nutrients through the regeneration of certain intestinal barriers after infection. Vitamin A is also needed to build vital cells that fight infectious diseases.

3. Improve mood

Another unexpected benefit of paprika is that it can improve your mood.

Bell peppers are rich in vitamin B6, which has been known to improve mood and reduce the risk of depression.

According to a study published in the Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, vitamin B6 can be used as a supplement to help with symptoms of depression.

However, it’s important to note that the body cannot get appreciable levels of B6 in peppers alone.

4. Help reduce body fat

Bell peppers, especially red bell peppers, contain a natural compound called capsanthin. This compound creates the red color in foods and can also be found in cayenne peppers, chili peppers, and bell peppers.

Although more research still needs to be done in this regard, scientists are beginning to find that taking capsanthin can help with inflammation and weight loss.

One Education found in Food Research International used mice to study the effects of capsanthin on weight loss. The mice in the study not only lost weight, but their glucose and cholesterol levels decreased significantly.

5. Lowers blood pressure

Bell peppers contain a natural color pigment called quercetin. This pigment is part of the flavonoid group, and acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body.

Quercetin has been linked to many different health benefits, including anti-inflammatory, fighting cancer cells, reducing the risk of heart disease, and lowering blood pressure.

a Education from the British Journal of Pharmacology experimented with giving mice different levels of quercetin over a five-week period.

The mice experienced an average decrease in blood pressure of about 23 percent. More research needs to be done on this topic, but quercetin from bell peppers is proving to be a healthy addition to the diet.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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