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Dutch research into the relationship between corona and thrombosis

“With this coronavirus, we see that the coagulation system is permanently on, while it should be quiet. Now that we know it is, we can see how we can prevent complications such as thrombosis,” says Kruip in This is the Day on NPO Radio 1 Kruip will lead the investigation, together with the major hospitals in the country.

The discoverer of the relationship between corona and thrombosis, Rik Endeman, says in the same radio program that he does not rule out thrombosis as the cause of many patients’ deaths.

Double dose of blood thinners

“Because we do not yet have a good grip on the clinical picture, this provides an important insight into a possible solution. It is more a condition of the blood vessels and the coagulation system, than the alveoli, what we first thought,” said the IC doctor of Erasmus MC.

Almost half of the corona patients on the IC develop thrombosis complaints. Earlier this week, UMC Amsterdam calculated that 10 percent of corona patients who are in regular hospital wards have thrombosis complaints.

After the discovery, two weeks ago, the Erasmus MC IC doctors immediately decided to administer a double dose of blood thinners to the corona patients. “A corona patient is on an IC for an average of 21 days. Next week we will know what the results of this new treatment are,” Endeman says in the broadcast.

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