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During confinement, the girls from C’Chartres Basket continue, the boys on a break

The decisions fell. Not necessarily the ones everyone hoped for. The FFBB spoke on Tuesday, November 3 on whether or not to continue the competition in the three highest federal divisions (men’s N1, Women’s League and Women’s League 2), in the context of confinement.

The CCBF back on the floor on November 21

Different options have been selected depending on the level! Thus, in the women’s Ligue 2, the basketball players of C’Chartres BF will be able to continue their championship, after the international truce scheduled from November 8 to 16.

Reconfinement: amateur sport takes a break in Eure-et-Loir

Benoît Marty’s team, strongly affected by the Covid with a cluster that declared itself ten days ago, should thus be back on the floor on November 21 at home against Angers.

At the same time, in men’s N1, the basketball players of C’Chartres BM, also stopped because of a cluster, will take a break during confinement. But they will be able to train in order to anticipate a rapid recovery.

the testimony of Sébastien Lambert, CCBM coach, affected by Covid-19

The FFBB has also recognized the professional character of these higher divisions. And the authority recalled the desire of the 52 clubs concerned to “continue a season which will have to be readjusted in order to preserve their economy and to ensure, in a united manner, the continuity of the visibility of French basketball.”

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