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Driver who drove right through caravan was under the influence of alcohol

The motorist who drove through a caravan on Thursday night on the A58 near Breda would have been under the influence of alcohol according to the breathalyzer. A police spokeswoman said that. “What the exact alcohol percentage was remains to be seen from further research.”

The motorist who collided with the caravan is a 24-year-old resident of Breda. He had a valid driver’s license at the time of the accident, but this was recovered after the collision.

The collision on the A58 took place around a quarter to one in the morning. The accident caused massive havoc on the road.

driven to smithereens
There were two people in the car used to transport the caravan. Their car came to a stop 150 meters away after the collision. The caravan was completely destroyed.

The driver of the car that drove through the moving caravan was taken to a hospital by ambulance. The driver of the car transporting the caravan was also taken to a hospital for a check-up. An air ambulance was called immediately after the collision, but it was canceled a little later.

Road temporarily closed
After the accident, the road near Breda was temporarily closed. Other traffic was directed past the petrol pump until the damage was cleared up. The road was reopened Friday morning.

ALSO READ: Motorist drives straight through caravan on A58, enormous havoc on the road

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