Home » today » Entertainment » Domenica In, Romina Power in tears: “I had to die in place of my sister Taryn”. And Mara Venier breaks the anti-Covid rules

Domenica In, Romina Power in tears: “I had to die in place of my sister Taryn”. And Mara Venier breaks the anti-Covid rules

“When I make a commitment, I keep it.” It started like this Romina Power, justifying his presence in the studio a Domenica In despite the serious mourning that hit her yesterday. The younger sister Taryn Power is dead in Wisconsin, in the USA, where she lived, after a long battle against leukemia and during the interview with Mara Venier the singer spoke about this mourning, remembering her illness.

“Today leukemia is cured in many cases but for Taryn there was nothing to do – said Romina -. The younger sister should never die before the older one“He added in tears, speaking with an open heart. “She has always been better than me, even on the artistic side.” Then, letting go of the pain, Romina Power continued to repeat: “It’s not right”. And so the hostess spontaneously embraced her: “I don’t give a damn that we shouldn’t hug each other,” he said apologetically. “Not even me“, Romina replied. A very touching moment, which also excited the public at home.

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