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Doctor Reveals the Best Times to Eat Breakfast and Dinner to Burn Belly Fat

Doctor Reveals Ideal Meal Times to Burn Belly Fat

Doctor Reveals Ideal Meal Times to Burn Belly Fat

Published: March 3, 2024, 6:20 p.m. ET

By Tracy Swartz

A Florida physician is sharing insights on when to eat to shed those extra pounds around your belly. Dr. Naheed Ali explains that aligning your eating schedule with your body’s natural circadian rhythms can enhance your body’s ability to burn belly fat.

Best Times to Eat for Weight Loss

If you’re looking to burn belly fat and improve your health, it’s best to follow a specific eating schedule. Dr. Ali recommends the following:


Eating breakfast within an hour of waking up, ideally around 7 a.m., can jumpstart your metabolism and aid in the reduction of belly fat.


Consuming dinner at least two to three hours before bedtime, around 7 p.m., allows the body ample time to digest the meal before the metabolic rate slows down during sleep.

Incorporating these meal timings can further support insulin sensitivity and manage hunger hormones throughout the day, promoting a reduction in belly fat.

Benefits of Meal Timing

Research has shown that restricting eating to certain times can be effective in reducing visceral fat, the dangerous fat stored deep in the belly. It’s estimated that 53% of Americans suffer from abdominal obesity, which increases the risk of various health issues.

Additionally, eating at the right times supports your body’s insulin sensitivity, helps manage hunger hormones, and improves overall metabolism.

Follow the Schedule

While the suggested eating schedule may not be feasible or desirable for everyone, modifying eating patterns to consume most calories earlier in the day can be beneficial. Alternatively, implementing a significant fasting window can also help improve health and manage weight.

By incorporating these meal timing strategies into your routine, you can better align your eating habits with your body’s natural rhythm and optimize your metabolism for optimal weight loss.

Remember, the key to weight loss is consistency and finding an eating schedule that works best for your individual needs and lifestyle.

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