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Dobrev and Radeva clashed fiercely over deputies from GERB and PP holding hands

I spoke with Tomislav, Zhelyazkov and Bykov and they all say that if we come in pairs, it will look like we are afraid of the questions and we will hold hands, he joked

Atanas Atanasov said that he and Kiril Petkov were in first place, and then it turned out that one was first and the other was second. They can’t figure out who will be a guest on which television and that’s why they come in pairs. My colleagues don’t want us to look like a same-sex couple, so I came alone. This was stated by Delyan Dobrev from GERB to Nova TV.

His speech came immediately after the guest appearance of Petkov and Atanasov on the same television.

They do not realize the reality in which we live. Even when you asked them about inflation and prices, they still couldn’t say anything. Inflation in Europe is 8%, and in Bulgaria it is 20%.

Colleagues won’t even admit it. They have no solution to reduce inflation. It won’t fall by itself,” he pointed out.

“In those 10-12 years of GERB’s rule, inflation was between 0 and 2%. How could there not be a pandemic? There was a financial crisis. Did banks fail? The crises during GERB’s rule were much bigger.

They said: “Look here there is a war and there is inflation”. Thanks to the war, our economy grew. We produce ammunition for 5 billion more,” Dobrev also shared.

He pointed out that in the last elections GERB was the first political force and again bit Petkov and Atanasov for coming to the studio as a “same-sex couple”. This sincerely angered the host Mira Ivanova.

“Do you have a problem with same-sex couples,” she asked.

“Colleagues joked a lot with me yesterday. I invited several colleagues. I spoke with Tomislav, Zhelyazkov and Bykov and they all say that if we come in pairs it will look like we are afraid of the questions and we will hold hands“, he said.

Let’s be more seriousoh,’ Mira cut him off again.

Dobrev said that he is serious and will also explain why Vladislav Goranov is no longer on the lists of GERB.

“Vladi Goranov was not on the lists last time either, he was not on the lists the last time. He has not been a minister for more than 3 years. Why did you decide that after 3 years he has not participated in the management of the party and now we will put him on the lists “If it wasn’t for Vladi Goranov, we wouldn’t be members of the Eurozone. He has to be recognized for that. His budgets had a small deficit and one budget was made per year,” he pointed out.

“The left BSP has a better financial policy than the Change. Pumping up inflation will not lead to anything good. We don’t have time to explain what the measures are, but we have proven to GERB that inflation at the time of GERB was between 0 and 0.2% .

Viktor Nikolaev asked if there is pressure for the latter to support the former or vice versa.

“Nobody pressured me for support,” Delyan Dobrev said categorically.

He is adamant that GERB never offered PP to govern together.

“DB is something else entirely. We hoped that the mandate of the president would go to them, to form a government, to control inflation. The change does not want such a program, but they want to spend. Bulgaria is in debt by a billion a month”, pointed out Dobrev.

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