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Do you want to receive the best news of New Life for free via WhatsApp?

Do you want to receive in a way free for WhatsApp the best news of New life? The magazine, aware of the evangelizing potential of instant messaging applications, launches this new service with which we will select the headlines of the day exclusively for you, so that you can have them directly on your phone and can share them with your contacts.

The growth in the consumption of information through the mobile phone has led us to rethink the way in which we get our news to you. With the daily selection you can enjoy the content at the time of day you want and share it with all those to whom it may be useful.

With particular attention to news of Pope Francis and the Vatican, we will also bring you news of the Church of world impact. It does not matter the continent and the time zone from which you follow us, because the news of Vida Nueva will have a international look.

How do I sign up?

We have tried to make the registration as agile as possible. Are three easy steps that you can follow them whether you are reading us from a computer or from a phone.

???? If right now you are reading us from your mobile phone:

  1. Click here! You will see that a WhatsApp conversation opens with Vida Nueva.
  2. There is a default message (“I also want to be New Life ????”): press submit.
  3. Put our phone away in your contact list and you will be registered and ready to receive the best news.

????️ If right now you are reading us from your computer or tablet:

  1. Save this phone in your phonebook (+34 618 736 706).
  2. Open a conversation WhatsApp with New Life.
  3. A default message will appear (“I also want to be New Life ????”): press submit and you will be registered and ready to receive the best news.

Don’t forget to save our contact; otherwise, you will not be able to receive our selection of news. Remember that if you want to unsubscribe, you just have to send a WhatsApp message with the word BAJA.

Vida Nueva wants to continue to be, to the best of its ability, close to all Christians. With this new informative proposal we want to expand our family even more. Nevertheless, We encourage you to follow minute by minute the news about the Church in Vida Nueva Digital.

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