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DKI Jakarta Health Office Conducts Sweeping in All Hospitals Following Positive Polio Cases in Indonesia

Liputan6.com, Jakarta The DKI Jakarta Health Service (Dinkes) did sweeping in all hospitals (RS) in the Capital City as a follow-up to the positive cases of polio found in Indonesia.

“The DKI Jakarta Health Office has also carried out sweeping cases in all Jakarta Hospitals to review medical records as of January 1, 2023,” said the Head of the Surveillance, Epidemiology and Immunization Section of the DKI Jakarta Health Office Ngabila Salama in a written statement, Friday (7/4/2023).

Ngabila said sweeping was carried out to find cases quickly, so that preventive measures could be taken. Apart from that, the DKI Jakarta Health Office is also trying to carry out prevention by increasing the results of routine immunization.

“Especially in densely populated areas with low immunization outcomes. Polio immunization outcomes in DKI Jakarta from 2019 to 2022 reached the target of above 95 percent except during the 2020 (Covid-19) pandemic,” explained Ngabila.

Ngabila explained the principle of immunization is better late than never. Therefore, he appealed to people who have not received polio immunization, to immediately complete the immunization.

“Complete 4x immunization for drip polio at the age of 1,2,3,4 months and 2x for injecting polio at the age of 4 and 9 months,” said Ngabila about polio in Jakarta.

Furthermore, he suggested that people should maintain personal and environmental hygiene, especially the food and drink they consume, so that they are not contaminated with dirt. In addition, food and drink must be ensured healthy and cooked.

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