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Discover the Biennial of Cities in Transition: A Hub for Innovations and Changes.

The Biennial of Cities in Transition is an event of sharing and exchanges, information and discoveries, for those who concern our lifestyles. It wants to bring together and highlight local, national and international initiatives that have transitions as a compass for their actions.

The Biennale of Cities in Transition invites us to think together about the city of tomorrow, its new practices, its new uses. There are many ways to participate: round tables, debates, screenings, visits, exhibitions, shows, workshops. So that everyone finds a way to reflect and discover the world of tomorrow.

Every two years, Grenoble brings together actors who reflect and act in favor of local and territorial transitions. Rethink tomorrow in order to find new solutions to live better on a daily basis, and ensure that the city is adapted to the uses and needs of its inhabitants.

Everyday citizens, municipalist movements, local government officials and elected officials, students, associations, networks, professionals and scientists… their ideas and actions are sources of inspiration.

The three Biennials of Cities in Transition in 2017, 2019 and 2021, organized by the City of Grenoble, honored local initiatives in favor of social, environmental, economic and democratic transitions.

2023-05-04 11:32:38
#Previous #editions #Biennial #Cities #Transition

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