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DIRECT. Coronavirus: Lyon, Grenoble, Saint-Etienne and Lille in maximum alert zone

> The essential:

  • The indicators deteriorated further in 24 hours in France, with a new increase in patients in intensive care and more than 20,000 new positive cases, a new record.
  • Lyon, Grenoble, Saint-Etienne and Lille passed this Saturday in the maximum alert zone, synonymous with new restrictions.
  • The scientific council did not rule out the possibility of local re-containment “if necessary”, warning the French that they had to prepare to live with the virus until next summer.
  • In Europe, which has more than 6.2 million cases of Covid-19 and nearly 240,000 deaths, the situation continues to worsen.
  • Faced with the surge in contaminations on the Old Continent, new restrictions come into force this Saturday in Germany – in Berlin – and in Poland.
  • In Latin America, Brazil is preparing to exceed the mark of 150,000 dead. This huge country is the second most bereaved in the world after the United States.

> And directly:

10h54. “La Flamme” lights up the Croisette at the opening of Canneseries despite the virus. Tuxedos-sneakers, dresses with sequins and surgical masks on the nose: the third edition of the Canneseries festival started on Friday evening in strict respect of barrier gestures, with the screening of three episodes of “La Flamme”, a parody of the Bachelor by Jonathan Cohen . “The emotion is great because until the last minute, we did not know if the festival was going to take place”, underlined the former Minister of Culture Fleur Pellerin, president of the Festival, which was initially to be held at the end. March but which was turned upside down, like all events, by the virus.

10h43. Debate canceled for a Trump ally who refused to be tested. A debate that was to oppose Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, candidate for re-election, to his Democratic rival is canceled because this great ally of Donald Trump refuses to be tested for Covid-19. Representing South Carolina in Washington since 2003, Lindsey Graham, 65, heads the Senate Judiciary Committee which will begin hearings with Conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Donald Trump’s candidate for the Supreme Court, on Monday. His opponent Jaime Harrison had demanded Thursday that the two candidates undergo a test for the new coronavirus before the debate.

10h31. New restrictions expected in UK. New restrictive measures are expected to tackle the spread of the new coronavirus in the UK, where Prime Minister Boris Johnson is due to detail his strategy in front of MPs on Monday. Accused of not sufficiently informing parliamentarians of its plans to fight the virus, the government has this time prepared the ground. Boris Johnson’s strategic adviser, Edward Lister, wrote to MPs in North West England, particularly affected by the pandemic, warning them that it was “very likely” that stricter rules would be applied in “some regions ”.

10 hours. Lille, Lyon, Grenoble and Saint-Etienne join Paris, Aix and Marseille. These 4 cities move into the maximum alert zone and are subject to new restrictions.

9h48. Peru: upcoming reopening of archaeological sites closed due to the virus. Peru will reopen to visitors on October 15 several archaeological sites in the Andean region of Cuzco, closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but it will be necessary to wait until November at best for Machu Picchu, announced the Minister of Culture Alejandro Neyra . The archaeological sites of Sacsayhuamán, Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Chinchero, Moray, Pikillacta and Tipón will be reopened to the public with a strict health protocol, the minister said, stressing that this would help revive the economy and local tourism. He said he hoped for the reopening of the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, the main tourist site in Peru, in November.

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