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Diabetics can try these 5 healthy diets


Diabetes it is a very dangerous disease. It takes the right diet to prevent and overcome it. Follow these 5 healthy eating patterns.

There are different types of diabetes that a person can experience. They may need different treatments, but when it comes to diet, there is one type of diet that fits all sufferers.

When someone has this disease, they have to overcome it by changing the way they eat to be healthier. These healthy eating tips actually not only work for overcoming diabetes, but also help manage blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

Summarizing at diabetic.org.uk (21/11), here are 5 healthy eating patterns for diabetics to follow:

1. Choose healthy carbohydrates

Choose healthy carbohydrates. Rice can be replaced with wheat or carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables. Photo: Getty Images

All carbohydrates can affect blood glucose levels. Therefore the selection must really be considered.

Carbohydrates are still needed by the body as an energy source. Diabetics can choose some healthy carbohydrates like whole grains starting from brown rice, whole wheat, fruits, vegetables, up to some nuts.

At the same time, it’s important to cut down on low-fiber foods. It’s best to avoid foods like white bread, white rice, and refined grains.

2. Choose food with less salt

Salty food is very appetizing. However, diabetics certainly cannot eat any of these foods.

Consuming too much salt can increase your risk of high blood pressure which in turn can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. Again the bad news, when someone has diabetes, they are more at risk for the condition.

If you want to eat salty foods, try to limit yourself to a maximum of 6 grams or one teaspoon of salt per day.

It’s best to cook your own food at home so you know the amount of salt used. Because some packaged or foreign-bought foods contain more salt.

The savory taste of salt can also be swapped for other healthier spices.

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