Home » today » Business » Destocking of popular aid: good deals made in Quimper – Quimper – Ergué-Armel

Destocking of popular aid: good deals made in Quimper – Quimper – Ergué-Armel

A stack of plates at € 1 for 10, a box of ten books (in good condition) € 2, a box of construction games at € 1… These are the good deals that were offered by the Secours populaire on Saturday afternoon, in its premises, avenue de la Liberation.

A cart full of construction games and toys for the kids. All for € 9.

The customers were not mistaken and came in large numbers, masked and respecting the health rules in force.

During the confinement periods, only food aid was distributed. Stocks of crockery and toy books have piled up, filling the shed. “This requires occasional“ wholesale ”operations, at prices that are not discounted but given! », Explained the volunteers.


Sale of clothes at € 1 each, Monday afternoon and Friday, all day, in the premises of the Secours populaire, at 14 B avenue de la Liberation in Quimper.

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