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Decision on Uber in court | ‘Today is a sad day for London’

Decision on Uber in court | ‘Today is a sad day for London’

Lhe news that Uber won its appeal against Transport for London’s (TfL) decision not to renew its license is ‘a sad day for London’, it said Unite, the largest union in Great Britain and Ireland.

Unite, which represents nearly 1,000 taxi drivers in the capital, was commenting on the Westminster magistrates’ court ruling that Uber was now ‘fit’ to have an operator’s license.

Unite London Taxi Chairman Jim Kelly said:

“This is a sad day for the traveling public in London and another blow for taxi drivers in the capital.

In our opinion, Uber has a ruthless business model that undermines security and long-established regulations, and they now have the green light to continue operating in London, which is very disappointing.

The spokesperson for the London taxi industry regrets that the real professionals are left out:

“Our taxi drivers have high standards of training and knowledge. The taxi customer trusts them, but all of that apparently doesn’t count for anything in the pursuit of corporate profit. “

Also, Kelly said that they should analyze the sentence:

“We will need to study the court’s ruling in detail before commenting further. We will discuss this with Transport for London (TfL) and with the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, to explore what can be done to mitigate this decision.

Kelly commented that Monday’s ruling is devastating news for the 1,000 taxi drivers in London and further threatens their income, which has already been severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has caused tourists to leave the UK and many office workers continue to work from home.

“I really fear for the future of taxis in London, whose history dates back to rental cars in the 1630s.”

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Decision on Uber in court | ‘Today is a sad day for London’

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