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Debunking the Top 5 Myths About Cystitis

About 50 percent of all women get it at least once cystitis. Also! And although it is certainly not a rare ailment, many myths about cystitis are still circulating.


A bacterial infection is often the main cause of a bladder infection. You can experience unpleasant and even painful symptoms, such as a burning sensation when urinatingneed to go to the toilet more often without having to urinate much, have cloudy or even bloody urine and/or experience pain in the pelvis.

But the good news is that once you’ve been diagnosed with a bladder infection, it’s fairly easy to treat. Thank goodness! Curious about the five most common myths? Then scroll further down.

1. Only women can get it

Women are indeed more likely to get a urinary tract infection than men (because of the shorter urethra in women, ed.), but that does not mean that men cannot get one. Men therefore have a longer urethra than women, making it more difficult for bacteria to enter the bladder. But it can still happen…

2. Washing your vulva with soap and water can prevent it

Nope, think again. Of course, it’s important to wash the outside gently, but don’t mess around with soap, wipes, or any other product that claims to make you feel or smell fresh down there. Do you do this? Then that can affect the natural pH value and bacterial balance in your vagina, making you more susceptible to infections. Ai!

3. You get it because you had a steamy night

Let’s assume that a bladder infection is not contagious and therefore cannot be transmitted. During sexual intercourse, bacteria can be ‘pushed’ into the urethra, so that a bladder infection can occur after sex. But that’s not the only cause.

You’re more likely to get it if you’re dehydrated (so drink enough water), hold your urine for too long, or have a medical condition like diabetes. You do not necessarily have to be sexually active to contract a bladder infection and it can also occur at any age.

Safe sex can reduce the risk of a bladder infection, but beware of condoms with a spermicide. These can actually increase the risk of an infection. Argh!

4. Cranberry juice cures your bladder infection

Have you ever heard of this famous ‘remedy’? It turns out that this is not quite true. “Unfortunately, there is no specific scientific evidence to support the idea that cranberry juice will help you get rid of your bladder infection,” explains Dr. Andrew Vallance-Owen off on Stylist.

5. It is caused by the cold

Were you also told in the past that you always had to dress warmly, because otherwise you could get a bladder infection? Despite the fact that it is often said in practice, there is little scientific evidence that it is really true. However, your pelvic floor muscles could relax less well due to exposure to the cold, so that you are less able to empty your urine. This creates the chance that bacteria can multiply and cause a bladder infection. Ah!

Source: Stylist, Blaascentrum.nl | Image: Adobe Stock

2023-07-28 14:33:33
#common #misunderstandings #cystitis

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