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Cristina Pérez, after the extension of the quarantine: “It is a shame that the press cannot ask questions”

Cristina Pérez in one of the recent editions of the newscast that she conducts with Rodolfo Barili Source: Archive – Credit: Rodrigo Néspolo / LA NACION

Minutes after the broadcast of the recorded message that

made the tightening of the quarantine official

due to coronavirus in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area



Cristina Pérez

regretted on Twitter that there was no press conference for journalists to ask the president questions

Alberto Fernández

, the head of the Buenos Aires government,

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta

, and the Buenosairean governor,

Axel Kicillof


From social networks, several users reminded him of the crossing that days ago he starred with

Head of state

for a question about the expropriation of the agroexportadora Vicentin by the national government.

“It is a shame that today [por el viernes] the press cannot ask questions after the announcements.

Even if it’s a recorded message, they could have held a press conference with open-ended questions, “Pérez wrote in a tweet.

Quickly, the co-driver’s tweet from

Telefe News

He got over 12,000 likes and almost 3,000 retweets and thousands of comments. In the responses to his post, there were those who reminded him of the

interdiction starred on the air with the President

and others also regretted the lack of a press conference as there had been in previous announcements since quarantine was implemented by



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