Home » today » World » Covid variant Delta – infects 225% faster and with 1000 times more copies of the virus in the respiratory tract

Covid variant Delta – infects 225% faster and with 1000 times more copies of the virus in the respiratory tract

After months of data collection scientists have found: The delta variant is the most contagious version of the coronavirus worldwide. It spreads about 225% faster from the original version of the virus and currently dominates the United States, reports NPR.

New study published online, sheds light on the cause.

It finds that the option grows faster in the human airways and to much higher levels, researchers from the Guangdong Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.

Average people infected with the Delta variant, they had about 1,000 times more copies of the virus in their airwaysthan those infected with the original coronavirus strain, the study reported.

In Portugal, they introduce an evening class because of the Delta option

Locals cannot leave their homes from 23:00 to 5:00 …

Also, once someone gets infected with the Delta variant, it becomes infected earlier.

They are needed on average about four days for the delta option to reach detectable levels in humans, compared with six days for the original coronavirus variant.

In the study The researchers analyzed patients with COVID-19 involved in the first outbreak of the Delta variant in mainland China, which is between May 21 and June 18 in Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Province.

Researchers measure virus levels in people from this outbreak and compare them with levels in patients infected in 2020 with an earlier version of the virus.

Their findings show that people who become ill with the Delta variant spread the virus earlier in the course of their infection.

The Wens emphasize the importance of immediate quarantine for 14 days after contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, as recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Or it is even better to get vaccinated completely.

Preliminary data show that in some US states, 99.5% of COVID-19 deaths in the last few months are among people who have not been vaccinatedsaid CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Valensky at the White House on Thursday.

We know that the Delta option … is currently growing in pockets with low levels of vaccination“said Valenski.

“We also know that our authorized vaccines prevent serious illness, hospitalization and death from the Delta variant.”

By August, the delta version of COVID-19 will become dominant in our country

By August, the delta version of COVID-19 will become dominant in our country

Lachezar Tomov does not rule out a wave that is even worse than the previous ones

Coronavirus cases and deaths in the United States have dropped dramatically since last winter’s highs, but the road may still be long, s the rapid spread of the Delta variant – Now dominant strain of the virus in the United States – and growing issues how effective current vaccines are against him.

Addressing these concerns in an interview for NPR, Ph.D. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said studies continue to show that vaccines are not only effective against the virus, but also highly effective in preventing serious illness or hospitalization.

“No matter what study you look at, protection against a serious illness leading to hospitalization is always within 90%, regardless of the study, regardless of the state,” Fauci said.

This is only part of the reason why he thinks it is so important to get vaccinated.

Vaccination is so easy. Viruses do not mutate if they cannot replicate and you can prevent them from replicating by vaccinating enough peopleso the virus will have nowhere to go, “said Fauci, who is also President Biden’s chief medical adviser.

EMA announces: Two-dose vaccination protects against the delta variant

EMA announces: Two-dose vaccination protects against the delta variant

It does not matter which of the EMA-approved preparations was vaccinated

Highlights from the interview:

New data from Israel show that the protection provided by Pfizer vaccine may weakenthat its effectiveness in preventing infection or symptomatic disease has dropped to 64%. They still believe that the vaccine is very effective in preventing serious illness or preventing death. But what is your opinion on these issues? Are the vaccines still working against this new option??

The answer is yes. If you look at the vaccines we use here and many studies from many countries show a high degree of efficacy, as you rightly mentioned, especially against a serious illness leading to hospitalization.

If you look at the effect against the infection itself or a mildly symptomatic infection, the levels we get in other studies seem to be significantly higher than the Israeli level of 64%. So what we really need to do before we can really make a decision is to get a little more information from our Israeli colleagues, which is what we are trying to do.

Are you skeptical about the data from Israel?

No, no, I have great confidence in them. But before we try to extrapolate to the situation here, I would like to see a little more detail about the data.

We saw some of the news from the White House briefing for COVID-19 today that here in the United States, 99.5% of COVID-19 deaths are in unvaccinated peopleDoes this mean that vaccinations work to prevent death?

Yes, a lot. The data is so clear. And if you look in our own country, where the level of vaccination is low, the level of infection increases.

And with that, there will be hospitalizations, and we hope not, but you will probably see an increase in deaths – an insurmountable reason why we need to vaccinate as many people as possible.

Is there more evidence that you really should get both doses? – if what you get is a two-dose vaccine such as Pfizer or Modern?

Predominantly, yes, we see that in each study, the level of protection when there is one dose compared to the level of protection after two doses is drastically lower.

People who think, “Well, I have one dose, do I really need a second dose?” – if you have a two-dose vaccine, it is absolutely necessary to get your second dose.

Recently, Los Angeles has begun to encourage even vaccinated people to disguise themselves indoors. The California administration has just mandated lawmakers and staff since four fully vaccinated tested positive for the virus. Should local officials in other parts of the United States think about this, to return to the mandatory masks?

Let’s take the CDC’s recommendation that if you are fully vaccinated, you have a high level of protection. So the recommendation remains, you do not need a mask, whether you are indoors or outdoors, if you are fully vaccinated.

The situation becomes a little more complicated when you are in an area where you have two things: a low level of vaccination in the community and a high level of viral dynamics. In these circumstances, you may find out how some local authorities may want to make sure that you receive additional protection from the presence of a mask.

While this is not a CDC recommendation, it is something that some people are considering, especially the elderly and those who may have an underlying disease – and where they are not absolutely sure they have an optimal immune response.

There are many variations among people in their own response and where they are and what their exposure is.

How worried are you that the Delta variant could mutate into something more aggressive, in anxiety, especially with so many unvaccinated people?

Well, that’s a concern, and that’s why we keep insisting, saying, please, people, if you’re not vaccinated, seriously, think about it. It’s so easy to get vaccinated. Viruses do not mutate if they cannot replicate, and you can prevent them from replicating by vaccinating enough people so that the virus has nowhere to go.

If you let the virus reign freely in the community, sooner or later it will mutate. And one of those mutations could be a mutation that would make it a much more dangerous virus.

And in this case, as in the Delta variant, which is now dominant here, we found to be more contagious. Do we know if it causes a more serious illness if we catch it?

The data on the degree of transmission are very clear.

There is no doubt that it is more portable. It is also likely to cause you a more serious illness.

Last but not least, these are the masks, do you still wear a mask under any circumstances?

You know, I personally don’t, for the simple reason that my environment is so limited. I spend very little time with people who haven’t been vaccinated, so it’s not like I’m out and about where there’s a lot of infection. For this reason, it is very unusual for me to wear a mask.

But if Fauci has to go to an indoor concert in a state where there are still many cases, he will use a mask.

In Israel, data show that the Pfizer vaccine is less effective against the Delta variant

In Israel, data show that the Pfizer vaccine is less effective against the Delta variant

However, this did not apply to a serious illness

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