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Coronavirus: two new deaths in Belgium

Udo a little sentence in an interview with two professors of constitutional law, last weekend, in the daily De Morgen. Hendrik Vuye, a professor in Namur, and a former member of the N-VA, reminds us of the old method of Belgian political parties to achieve government: “Before, the PS-CVP axis did a lot of preparatory work. Then the PS and the VLD met, in the purple governments of Guy Verhofstadt. Today, the PS and the N-VA are the dominant parties on their side of the linguistic border, and they have never reached an agreement between them. Since 2010, after the victory of the N-VA which put it for the first time in the position of the dominant party in Flanders, the two parties have never managed to find common ground to prepare anything, what Vuye deplores.

A different preparation

The idea that the Flemish dominant party should go to the French-speaking dominant party to prepare for negotiations …

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