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Coronavirus: Trump’s violent charge against WHO

President Donald Trump virulently attacked the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday, accusing him of being too close to China and of mismanaging the coronavirus pandemic, critics immediately rejected by the UN.

“WHO has really crashed,” the president of the world’s largest power tweeted as the United States surpassed the 11,000 Covid-19 dead mark.

“Strangely, they are largely funded by the United States and yet very focused on China. We are going to take a closer look at the matter,” he added.

“Fortunately, I rejected their initial advice to leave our borders with China open. Why did they give us such a wrong recommendation?” He concluded.

During his daily press briefing, the UN spokesman, Stéphane Dujarric, rejected Tuesday the criticisms of the American president against his agency specialized in health, without however speaking about his links with China.

“For the Secretary General (Antonio Guterres), it is clear that the WHO, under the leadership of Doctor Tedros Adhanom, has done a huge job on the Covid-19 by supporting countries with the routing of millions of medical equipments and with training, “he said.

“WHO has shown the strength of the international health system,” said the spokesman, recalling “the enormous work” carried out in the fight against Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighboring countries, under the leadership by Tedros Adhanom and “putting its teams on the front line”.

The United States is by far the country with the highest number of officially reported Covid-19 cases by far.

The number of deaths caused by the disease in the country has been increasing for several days by more than 1,000 deaths daily, thus gradually approaching the macabre records of Italy and Spain.

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