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Coronavirus live ticker: +++ 05:11 Mittelstand insists on “comprehensive tax relief” +++

In the course of the effects of the corona virus on small and medium-sized companies, the Federal Association of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (BVMW) is pressing for further government concessions. “In this extreme situation, however, the middle class also expects politicians to provide extensive tax relief,” says middle class president Mario Ohoven to the newspapers of the Funke media group. He demands that the solidarity surcharge be abolished immediately: “The immediate and complete abolition of the solos for all would be a measure with high impact and symbolism.”

“In addition, we need a comprehensive corporate tax reform, because Germany has long since become the highest tax country for small and medium-sized businesses. We also need to abolish the prepayment of social security contributions and guarantees for commercial rents,” said the President of the Small Business. The problem for medium-sized companies is not the virus itself, says Ohoven, but the strong dependence on global supply chains. Every second company is already anticipating sales losses, and the trend is increasing. “There is a serious recession in the economy as a whole,” warned Ohoven.

+++ 05:03 Kipping calls for basic income crisis for low earners +++
The left-wing party leader Katja Kipping supports the idea of ​​a “basic income crisis” for the next six months, in order to alleviate the loss of revenue from the corona pandemic, especially for low-income, self-employed and marginally employed people. “The basic income would be the most consistent solution,” Kipping told the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland”. “But a lot is now possible even below a basic income,” added Kipping. “The least is a pandemic bridging allowance for the self-employed and people with mixed sources of income, whose income will decrease significantly due to the Corona crisis.”

+++ 04:57 Philippine stock exchange crashes +++
The Philippine stock market plunges 24 percent after a two-day freeze to its lowest level in more than eight years. The broader stock index initially opened 12.4 percent lower, triggering an automatic 15-minute trading stop. When trading resumes, the decline widened to 24 percent, making the Philippines by far the region’s biggest market loser. The Philippines was the first country to completely close financial markets on Tuesday due to the Corona virus outbreak.

+++ 04:47 Hamster purchases in Australia? “Take a breath, take a cold shower” +++
Hamster purchases are also a problem in Australia in times of the corona crisis – according to Agriculture Minister David Littleproud, the country produces food for 75 million people. That is about three times as much as the continent has inhabitants. Littleproud on ABC News shows that there is no need to worry about food supply. The only pressure on the supply chain comes from people who buy out of stupidity like in a panic. “You have to take a deep breath, take a cold shower, and understand that if you shop normally, the shelves will be filled normally.”

+++ 04:38 South Korea: surge in new infections +++
South Korea has seen a surge in new coronavirus cases. The Centers for Disease and Disease Control (KCDC) report 152 new cases, bringing the total to 8,565. The country had registered fewer than 100 new infections four days in a row by Wednesday. Among the new cases, 97 are from Daegu, southeast of Seoul, where, according to the KCDC, at least 74 patients tested positive for the virus in a nursing home this week. The renewed outbreak causes the city to launch extensive tests in all other nursing homes with more than 33,000 people.

+++ 04:27 Telekom sees networks ready for additional use +++
Deutsche Telekom sees its networks equipped for a higher data volume and more phone calls in the corona virus crisis. The networks are stable and secure, explains the Dax group. “It is true that the company is experiencing a significant increase in data traffic and the amount and duration of calls, particularly in the fixed network.” However, these are not critical for the network. Telekom continuously monitors the situation in order to anticipate current developments.

Harley-Davidson 20.16

+++ 04:14 Harley-Davidson stops US production +++
Motorcycle maker Harley-Davidson temporarily suspends production in the United States due to the corona virus crisis. The step was taken in order to best support the employees and to be able to best follow the guidelines of the health authorities, explains CEO Jochen Zeitz. The production break initially applies until March 29. An employee at a Harley-Davidson plant in the US had tested positive for the novel corona virus, and the factory was now being thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Most office workers were sent home from Monday until at least the end of the month.

+++ 03:50 Felipe VI. calls on compatriots to solidarity +++
The Spanish king Felipe VI. appeals to citizens to overcome the country’s deep political divisions in the Corona crisis. “We now have to put our differences aside,” the king says in a television speech. Citizens should unite with the common goal of “coping with the difficult situation created by the pandemic”. Felipe VI assures that the corona crisis will make Spanish society “stronger” and “more solidary”.

+++ 03:21 Baltic States starts return campaign +++
The Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are beginning to bring back citizens who are stuck at the German-Polish border in the middle of the Corona crisis. A first ship launched in Germany arrived in Klaipeda harbor on Wednesday, spokeswoman for the Lithuanian Ministry of Transport, Aldona Griniene, told AFP. As a measure to curb the corona virus, Poland closed its borders to foreigners at the weekend. Griniene said that several Lithuanians had already been brought by train from the German-Polish border to the central Lithuanian city of Kaunas. The government in Vilnius also sent an army plane to Germany to bring back dozens of Lithuanians who had been turned away at the Polish border. In the coming days, more ships should be sent to Germany as part of the return campaign.

+++ 03:10 For the first time, no new cases in Wuhan +++
The central Chinese city of Wuhan has reported no new infections for the first time since the outbreak of the coronavirus in late 2019. In mainland China, 34 new infections are confirmed for Wednesday, more than twice as many as the day before at 13. All new cases are imported, which increases the pressure on the authorities to check travelers. Overall, the number of diseases rises to 80,928. The death toll from the outbreak in China at the end of Wednesday was 3,245, eight more than the previous day, according to official figures. The central province of Hubei accounts for all eight deaths, including six in the provincial capital Wuhan.

+++ 02:53 Kassen secure reimbursement of all additional maintenance costs at +++
The statutory health insurers promise to reimburse all costs incurred in the area of ​​care due to the corona crisis. Long-term care insurance has sufficient reserves to compensate for the corona-related additional costs for the almost 27,000 nursing homes and care services in Germany, says the vice chairman of the umbrella association of statutory health insurance companies (GKV), Gernot Kiefer, the newspapers of the Funke media group. The reimbursement of additional costs resulting from the corona pandemic is guaranteed “unbureaucratically”.

+++ 02:41 US automakers want to manufacture ventilators +++
US automakers offer their help in the production of medical devices. General Motors (GM) and Ford said they are in talks with the American government about how to help manufacture ventilators, for example, to help fight the coronavirus outbreak. General Motors has suspended North American production until March 30 as a result of the virus.

Earlier this week, the UK approached car makers such as Ford, Honda and Rolls Royce, which are expected to be used to manufacture health care equipment, including ventilators. In China, the production of masks and medical protective clothing was partly taken over by other manufacturers such as Apple partner Foxconn or the joint venture between GM and Chinese partners.

+++ 02:30 Ansbach: number of coronavirus cases tripled +++
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases tripled in the district and city of Ansbach within a day. There are twelve new proven cases of Sars-CoV-2, announces the Ansbach district office. This increases the number in the Central Franconian region to 18. A day earlier there were a total of six cases. A little more than 40,000 people live in the city of Ansbach, and according to the Bavarian State Statistical Office, the district has almost 184,000.

+++ 02:21 Argentina builds ten new hospitals +++
Argentina is building ten new hospitals to treat patients infected with the novel corona virus. Eight clinics are to be built in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Chaco, Cordoba and Santa Fe, according to Gabriel Katopodis, Minister of Public Building. There are currently 97 confirmed coronavirus cases in Argentina. To date, two people have died of Covid-19. The government closed the borders, suspended schooling for two weeks, and urged people to stay at home if possible.

+++ 02:10 Trump launches the first major aid package +++
US President Donald Trump uses a resolution passed by Congress Aid package worth billions to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus epidemic. Trump signed the law. The proposed measures are expected to cost around $ 100 billion. Among other things, the aid package extends the continued payment of wages in the event of illness that is not required by law in the United States. In addition, the assumption of costs for tests for a possible infection with the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 is guaranteed and payments for unemployed and food aid are expanded.

The package, supported by both major parties, had been passed by the House of Representatives last week, and the Senate agreed on Wednesday afternoon.

+++ 01:55 Japan’s Hokkaido region ends emergency +++
In Japan’s Hokkaido region, the state of emergency is over because of the epidemic. “We will end the emergency as planned on March 19 and move to a new phase from the 20th to overcome the coronavirus infection crisis,” said Naomichi Suzuki, the governor of the prefecture. Hokkaido reported 154 infections on Wednesday, while a total of 907 in Japan carry the virus.

+++ 01:41 Covid 19 deaths in several Caribbean countries +++
The new type of corona virus reaches Latin America and the Caribbean later than Europe – gradually the cases are now also piling up there. Both the island states of Jamaica and Cuba as well as the Central American Costa Rica each report a first death as a result of a Covid 19 disease. The Dominican Republic also confirmed a new casualty. This increases the previous record of deaths in the Caribbean state to two.

Across Latin America, there have been at least 13 confirmed deaths in a total of eight countries. With three deaths, the number is highest in Brazil. In addition, there is a fatality in the Caribbean in the English overseas region of the Cayman Islands, on the French island of Martinique and in Jamaica and in South American Guyana, which is not counted as Latin America because of its official language English.

+++ 01:25 First US Congressman tested positive +++
US MP Mario Diaz-Balart says he is infected with coronavirus. The 58-year-old congressman says he developed a fever and headache on Saturday evening and was “recently” informed that he had tested positive. He was already doing better. Diaz-Balart is the first member of Congress to be known to have contracted the virus. In the past few weeks, several other members of the Senate and House of Representatives have isolated themselves after possibly coming into contact with a person with coronavirus.

+++ 01:12 Japan is considering a rescue package worth billions of euros +++
Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party is considering an economic package worth more than 30 trillion yen – about $ 278 billion – in response to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, the Japanese daily Sankei reports.

+++ 00:52 McLaren mechanic free of symptoms after corona infection +++
The infected mechanic from the McLaren Formula 1 racing team no longer shows any corona symptoms. As the racing team reports, the Briton is completely symptom-free. Seven other employees who went into domestic isolation after the infection of their teammate were also tested negative for the corona virus. In the coming week, the team members should be allowed to return from Melbourne to Great Britain. After the mechanic’s positive test, McLaren has decided not to start Formula 1 in Australia. The race was canceled shortly afterwards, as were numerous other Grand Prix anyway.

+++ 00:37 ECB decides 750 billion emergency program +++
The European Central Bank (ECB) is helping new comprehensive bond purchases against the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. The emergency program is worth 750 billion euros and should run until the end of 2020, the ECB said. This would respond to the serious risk of monetary policy transfer and the economic outlook for the eurozone. The Governing Council previously held an extraordinary conference. Just a week ago, the monetary authorities had adopted a number of measures to support the economy.

+++ 00:22 Curevac board: vaccine will come +++
The German biotech company Curevac gives hope for a corona vaccine. “We are making good progress. We will soon be able to go to preclinical tests and test the vaccine on animals. In summer we can start clinical tests on humans. Above all, we have to find the right dose,” says the managing director of Dietmar Hopps Beteiligungsgesellschaft Dievini, Friedrich von Bohlen, the “Rheinische Post”. Dievini holds 82 percent of the vaccine developer Curevac, where Bohlen is also on the board.

On the question of when the vaccine will come, he says: “It depends on many factors and also on how this pandemic develops. If it goes dramatically, accelerations will be possible. But I am certain that the vaccine will come.”

Curevac could also ramp up production quickly after approval. “Today Curevac would be able to produce over 100 million cans a year,” said Bohlen. That also depends on how high the dosage has to be to effectively protect a person.

+++ 00:05 Tirol is completely under quarantine +++
The entire Austrian state of Tyrol has been in quarantine since midnight due to the spread of the corona virus. “We issue quarantine regulations for all 279 Tyrolean municipalities. This means that the municipality can only be left if it is a matter of covering basic services, of basic services or to get to work – and then only to the closest place,” says Tyrolean Country Head Günther Platter with. “If there is a doctor, a pharmacy, a grocery store and a bank in town, the community must not be left for these purposes.”

As a single federal state, Tyrol will isolate itself even more from its neighbors. “This means that only those who are at home in Tyrol or who work in critical infrastructure or supply can enter Tyrol,” said Platter. The movement of goods is permitted under certain conditions. “That Tirol isolates itself is absolutely necessary. Because we want to prevent the virus from being spread from Tyrol on the one hand and we can also protect ourselves on the other.”

+++ 23:50 Portugal decides national emergency +++
Portugal has declared a national emergency for two weeks because of the coronavirus pandemic. Head of state Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said in a television speech that the measure, which will apply from midnight, serves to “intensify the fight and prevent this pandemic”. The state of emergency does not harm democracy, but serves the welfare of the people. The emergency, which has to be renewed every two weeks, may take several months, the president says. The state of emergency, which Parliament approved in the evening, allows the government to suspend some constitutional rights such as freedom of movement and the right to demonstrate. It is the first time since the end of the dictatorship in the 1970s that a state of emergency is declared in the country with around ten million inhabitants.

Portugal has reported 642 cases of the new corona virus and two deaths. However, the Portuguese government assumes that the number of infections will continue to increase until “at least” at the end of April.

+++ 23:37 England: Aid package for divisions below the Premier League +++
The English League Association is providing a £ 50 million short-term aid package to help clubs in the football divisions below the Premier League during the coronavirus outbreak. Football in England had stalled last week to slow the spread of the virus. It seems unlikely that the leagues will resume in early April, as originally planned.

+++ 23:28 Brazil’s central bank lowers key interest rates to a record low +++
The Brazilian central bank cut its key interest rate in the fight against the economic effects of the corona virus. The key interest rate was reduced by 50 basis points to a record low of 3.75 percent.

+++ 23:13 Israel no longer allows foreigners to enter +++
In a further tightening of measures to curb the corona virus, Israel prohibits all foreigners from entering the country. The only exception to the rule are foreigners who also have Israeli citizenship or have a permanent right of residence in Israel, the Israeli Foreign Ministry said. The regulation comes into force with “immediate” effect.

So far, 433 cases of infection with the novel corona virus have been reported in Israel. There are 44 other documented cases in the Palestinian Territories. The Israeli government has taken drastic measures to fight the corona pandemic. People are only allowed to leave the house to shop for groceries or medicines or to see a doctor. Even the way to work is still allowed if there are no more than ten people present. Tens of thousands of people are in domestic isolation.

+++ 22:59 season end: top football leagues threaten loss of billion +++
A season break due to the corona crisis would cost the top European football leagues dearly. According to a study by the auditing and consulting company KPMG, the five major elite classes would have to fight a loss of 3.4 to 3.95 billion euros if the season ended prematurely. According to these calculations, the hardest hit would be the English Premier League, which lost 1.15 to 1.25 billion euros in 92 games remaining. According to KPMG, the Bundesliga is in third place behind the Spanish Primera Division with a possible loss of 650 to 750 million euros.

+++ 22:44 Trump: US government has ordered 500 million respirators +++
The U.S. government orders 500 million N95 respirators due to the epidemic of the novel corona virus President Donald Trump. Several American companies have already switched to producing such advanced masks because of the increased demand, Trump explains. The government has also asked construction companies to donate remaining masks to the healthcare system, Trump said. These are now primarily needed by doctors and hospital staff who care for patients suffering from Covid-19.

In contrast to surgical masks, the N95 masks offer the wearer extensive protection against potentially infectious particles such as bacteria or viruses in the air when used correctly. The masks are supposed to filter out 95 percent of the aerosols.

+++ 22:21 Spahn announces delivery of 10 million protective masks +++
Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn announces that for Thursday Central provision of ten million respirators for health care. In a “stern TV Spezial” as part of the RTL themed evening “Together against Corona”, he promises: “Tomorrow we can finally deliver the first ten million masks to the doctors, the medical associations and the federal states. It took a long time we had to do a lot of searching for suppliers around the world. Above all, I also wanted to be sure that it had arrived with us so that we could distribute it.

+++ 22:17 So far 27 dead in Germany +++
According to the current status, there are currently 12072 acute corona cases in Germany. So far, 27 people have died as a result of the disease, and there are official reports that 56 have been cured.

+++ 22:10 Premier Johnson rows back +++
Prime Minister Boris Johnson had long graced himself and announced on Monday School closings to renounce. Great Britain is now relying on this measure. The regulation comes into force nationwide on Friday afternoon and applies indefinitely. Governments in Edinburgh and Cardiff had announced school closings a few hours earlier. British supermarkets meanwhile announce that they will only be able to offer their own opening times for older people, pregnant women and the frail as of Thursday. In addition, hamster purchases should be further prevented. The death toll in the UK rose to 104 on Wednesday.

Note: You can read the most important developments from the previous day on the current situation relating to the global coronavirus pandemic read here.

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