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Corona: Rumor in the fight against the virus – pulmonary specialist warns!


Food: pulmonologist warns of dangerous rumor in the fight against Corona

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on 03/26/2020 at 06:13 a.m.

Researchers are trying to develop a vaccine against the coronavirus. (Icon image)

Photo: imago images / Eastnews

Eat. Because of the corona crisis, many people are currently unsettled as to whether they have contracted it without knowing it. Others are now increasingly relying on vitamins and other nutritional supplements so as not to become infected at all. According to a rumor in numerous Internet forums, they are supposed to protect against the virus. A pulmonologist from eat sees it quite differently.

Professor Georg Nilius, chief physician for pulmonology at the Protestant clinics eat-Mitte warns against taking the virus lightly. “We all have no immunity to the virus yet. In the majority of cases, a common cold symptom develops after an infection with the corona virus, but 20 percent of those affected are then more seriously ill. In particular, lethal pneumonia can sometimes develop. “

Pulmonologist from Essen explains about rumor

He also emphasizes that vitamins are important for humans, but they do not protect against the virus. On the contrary, too many of the vitamins can even be hazardous to health.

“So far, no study has shown that additional vitamins, regardless of whether they are vitamin C, D or E or beta-carotene, offer protection against infections in an increased dose. On the contrary, in some cases health effects were also shown in the studies, ”Georg Nilius told DER WESTEN.


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As reported by the Consumer Protection Center in North Rhine-Westphalia, any side effects from an overdose of these micronutrients can be life-threatening for humans.

“For example, it has long been known that additional beta-carotene in smokers can promote the development of lung cancer. Too much individual nutrients can also hinder the absorption of other nutrients, for example zinc and iron, plant sterols or chitosan and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), ”says the consumer center.

In addition, too much vitamin D can lead to kidney damage, too much vitamin A to skin and liver damage.

Malnutrition would be as harmful as an overdose

Georg Nilius, chief physician for pulmonary medicine, emphasizes: “A well-rested, well-nourished and well-rested person has a low risk of developing a respiratory viral infection. This is scientifically proven. A sufficient level of vitamins is necessary for this. So you shouldn’t suffer from malnutrition. However, this is rarely the case in Germany; it is most likely to apply to single people who may cook less for themselves and use fresh ingredients. So a clear recommendation is: balanced, vitamin-rich food is recommended. In addition, taking something does not bring much, but rather endangers. “

It is particularly worrying that so little is known about the corona virus. Why, for example, especially older people are susceptible to pneumonia, which is often associated with the virus.

Older people develop severe pneumonia if they have a corona infection

“With many pathogens causing pneumonia – both viruses and bacteria – we see an immune deficiency in the elderly. In short: the grandson gets a mild infection, maybe also a middle ear infection and the grandma or the grandpa may suffer from severe, maybe even fatal pneumonia. This scenario, which we are familiar with, applies particularly to Corona. We still don’t know exactly why older people are so susceptible to pneumonia, ”says Nilius.

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But one thing is clear: vitamins are important for the health of the body. Too many vitamins can cause lasting damage. (fb)

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