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Corona is not just a virus … chocolate, car and spy satellites

02:20 PM

Tuesday 28 January 2020

I wrote- Lamia Yousry:

“Corona” was the most searched word worldwide in the past few days, after a virus with the same name spread out of China to the world.

The death toll from the emerging virus reached 106 victims and 1,300 infections as of the early hours of Tuesday morning, according to what the local authorities announced.

The name “Corona” is not only associated with the family of the famous Chinese virus, but we also knew it in Egypt through the famous chocolate company, and in Japan it was the name of one of the categories of the Toyota brand, and for the medical people they knew it as Corona radiate, the radiant corona, as well as satellites. We review all of this in detail through the following pages.

According to the Cambridge dictionary, the word “corona” means “aura,” which is attributed to the circular light that sometimes appears around the moon at night, or the sun at the time of an eclipse.

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