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City of Geneva: The Solidarity Eve fills the hall – News Geneva: Geneva news

Over the years, its success has continued. This year again, the Solidarity Eve organized free of charge by the City of Geneva is packed. More than 650 people came at 6:45 pm to the town hall of Plainpalais to celebrate the new year.

It must be said that the evening’s program is enticing. To start with the menu: a mixed salad and a splash of roasted mozzarella as a starter, followed by a piece of beef confit twelve hours with herbs accompanied by a puck of polenta and a garden of vegetables, and to finish a gourmet plate with red fruits and salted butter caramel chocolate. An assortment of soft drinks as well as a glass of wine and a glass of champagne at midnight are offered to guests. The children, installed on the floor, are entitled to lasagna and a chocolate cake. There is worse.

At 8 p.m., the tables set up in the Pitoëff Theater hall welcome a very mixed population. We meet single people, couples and families, men and women, young and old. Many are regulars. “I come every year, they offer wine and it’s free,” says Giovanni, a 78-year-old Italian, who wore a tie for the occasion, without fuss. His neighbor of Spanish origin also appreciates this annual meeting: “We see people, it’s nice. And then my situation is a bit complicated so I appreciate being able to come here. “

Each year, the evening also drains its share of the curious. For Léna, Véronique, Elena and Jacqueline, this is a first. “We were looking for a place with people and where it was hot,” summarize the four friends who planned to go out to the casino in the second half of the evening. Before noting: “We are very well received, we just regret that there are not more beautiful young men among the volunteers,” they joke.

In addition to the meal, a dance show and numbers of magicians punctuate the evening. A DJ and a presenter are also present to ensure the festive side. “Go on, let yourself go,” said the latter, dancing and clapping his hands on “Plastic for me” by Plastic Bertrand. The message has been heard. It is barely 8:30 p.m. and two grandmothers set off on the dance floor.

During her speech, Esther Alder, administrative adviser in charge of the Department of Social Cohesion and Solidarity, wanted to emphasize this: “Each person has invaluable value in my eyes, whatever their life course. Each person must receive the best so that they can bounce back to envisage a more peaceful future. ”

Created: 12.31.2019, 9:32 p.m.

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